When Jon arrived, Betty showed him to a guest room. He left his suitcase on the bed and stopped to look inside Chantal’s room on the way past it. He smiled when he noticed Winston was sitting on her pillow. During tea, Jeannette suggested that Chantal could pick out a few of her favourite home movies to show Jon before dinner. Before she left Jeannette, gave her daughter a hug and kiss and told her she was probably going to sleep in the next morning. Chantal wanted to show Jon her horse and they headed towards the stables. After a short ride, they returned to the house and watched her third birthday party, her trip to Disney Paris, a trip to the Ontario Science Center in Toronto and her first riding competition.
After dinner, Jon asked if she wanted to hear a story. Chantal ran up to get a book and came back with the Complete Adventures of Curious George. He looked at the 400 plus page book and smiled.
"Geez, do you think this book is long enough?"
"The first seven books are in there. I have the new adventures book too."
"I’ll read you two of the stories then it’s time for bed."
She sat right next to him on the couch so she could see the pictures as he read her the two stories, trying his best to create different voices for different characters.
"Time for you and George to go to bed. I use to love getting Curious George books out of the library when I was your age. I liked Dr. Seuss a lot too."
"What was your favourite?"
"I think Horton Hears a Hoo was my favourite."
"Did you read Barbar?"
"No, I’ve heard of him though, he’s an elephant right?"
"Yeah, Mommy has an original printing of Barbar’s Father Christmas. We read it at Christmas time."
"So you can read?"
"Oh yeah, I’ve been reading since I was two and a half. Miss Mandy says I read at a grade 4 level."
"Maybe you can read me, a bedtime story tomorrow."
Chantal laughed, "Sure, I’ll pick something good."
Jon followed her up to her room and sat down on her bed.
"I see Winston is out."
"Yes, Mommy asked me if I’d like him to stay on my bed. Can you get the glass out of the bathroom across the hall and put some cold water in it for me?
"Sure, but don’t you have to brush your teeth?"
"No, I only brush them in the morning."
"Your teeth are your friends, you need to take care of them. You should brush them after every meal or at least at bedtime."
Nah, my plan is good, water please."
Chantal had put on her pyjamas and was sitting on the bench of her vanity. Jon put the water on the table beside her bed and turned down her covers.
"Oh, can we do that for Mommy? She is always so tired when she comes home from a party."
"Sure, lets go now."
Once they were back in her room, Chantal handed him her hair brush and pulled her hair out of its ponytail. "Could you brush my hair?"
Jon figured it was a part of her bedtime routine and brushed her golden hair until he noticed her eyes were closed.
"Hey, you’re falling asleep on me. Time to climb into bed."
Chantal sighed, she loved having her hair brushed but Jeannette rarely indulged her because she never wanted her mom to stop. She climbed in to bed and wrapped her arms around
Winston. Jon leaned over and left a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my sweet."
"Night Jon, thank you for my story."
"It was my pleasure, see you in the morning." Jon turned out her light and went downstairs with a book.
Jon heard a car drive up a little after midnight and closed his book He made it to the door just in time to open it for Jeannette. He hadn’t seen her leave because he was in the stable but the sight that greeted him sent his temperature soaring. She was wearing a deep rose dress that had a plunging front and back and fell to her ankles.
"You look amazing."
"Thank you, Jon you didn’t need to wait up for me."
"I wanted to make sure you got home safely and I used the time to get some reading done."
"Did Chantal give you a hard time?"
"No, she was great, I read her two stories, brushed her hair and tucked her in."
"She asked you to brush her hair? That little scamp."
"You don’t brush her hair?"
"Not often, she never wants you to stop and she get cranky when you do. How long did you brush it for?"
"About ten minutes I guess, I stopped because she looked like she was falling asleep."
"She probably was. I’m not tired yet, but I want to get out of this dress and these shoes. Care to meet me in my study in ten minutes?"
Fifteen minutes later he made his way into her study. She was sitting on the couch sipping a glass of red wine. She had changed into gray silk PJ’s. She took one look at Jon and giggled.
"So you sleep in jeans?"
"Jon, go change for bed. Do you want a night cap?"
"Wine’s fine for me."
"I’ve been drinking champagne all night or I’d have something harder myself, are you sure?"
"I really like wine but do you have scotch?"
"Will Glenfiddich do?"
"Oh yeah."
"So change already."
Jon came back a few minutes later with boxers and an old faded gray T shirt on. He accepted the tumbler of scotch and let the amber liquor slide down his throat.
"So how was the party?"
"Typical, but this time I foiled my host. It drives me nuts, anytime I’m invited to a party the host assumes I’ll provide free entertainment. No one asks me in advance if I’d sing, which I would actually appreciate. No, they all wait and ask me in front of everyone if I would sing. They make it so that you can’t really say no."
"I hate having to sing for my supper too."
"Tonight I said, sorry the throat is sore and I’m not singing. The party fizzled after that and I left."
"It sounds to me like you need to do that more often."
"Yeah, I don’t know why I go to so many parties, I don’t really enjoy them."
"I think that you are so use to not being home in the evening that you think you need to be out when you aren’t on the stage. That isn’t a knock about tucking Chantal in either."
"One of the reasons, I’m taking this break is that I miss tucking her in and having dinner with her."
"How long of a break are you taking?"
"I don’t know." She replied not ready to tell Jon it was going to be a permanent break.
"So tell me about your family. Where did you grow up? Did you always want to be on the stage?"
"I was born and bread in London. My Dad died when I was fifteen. I missed him so much that I tried out for a local theatre company’s production of Sound of Music. I wanted to do something to keep me busy. I got the role of Lizel and on opening night a producer was in the audience. He was dragged there to see the girl playing Maria but I stole the show. They were just about to start casting for Les Miz and Eponine was offered to me on the spot. Three months later, the workshop started and nine months later the show opened. I was sixteen on opening night and turned seventeen two months later."
"Sorry about your Dad, are you close to your Mom?"
"I talk to her every so often. She got tired of the rain and cold here and moved to Barbados in 1997. I hoped she’d want to be a grandma but she didn’t want to be hands on. She calls on Chantal’s birthday and always sends her a gift but she never wants to come here and I know she isn’t exactly thrilled when we spend a week with her every year."
"That’s too bad, my Mom loves her grand kids. Was she a stage Mom?"
"No, she’d come to opening nights and that was about it. I rarely saw her once Les Miz opened. I’d go to school, go straight to the theatre, come home to fall in to bed and get up for school the next morning. I’d hardly ever see her. On my eighteenth birthday, I used the trust fund money from my Dad and my earning to buy my townhouse and I moved out. I wanted to live in a house that suited my tastes. I’ve been an independent women for almost eighteen years."
"How old were you when we met and what were you doing in Fiji?"
"I was 29 and I had run away from the theatre two and a half months before. I had been performing for twelve years straight, going from one show to the next and I was exhausted. I started hating going to work every day and I knew I needed a break. I didn’t renew my contract and left my role as Evita and went straight to the airport. I boarded the next flight to Sydney and found my way to Fiji. I was in Fiji for almost two months, we met on my last night there. I went diving at the Great Barrier Reef for a week then went to visit a friend in Nice for a few weeks before finally going back to London. I was home for maybe three weeks when I started getting what turned out to be wicked morning sickness. I found out I was pregnant and didn’t work until Chantal was three months old."
"Did you ever consider not having Chantal?"
"No, I was about two months when I found out and there was no way I would terminate the pregnancy. I don’t believe in abortions. You bolted that night because you were married right?"
"Yes, you made me forget that my wife and 3 kids were back in the resort sleeping. I didn’t want to stop kissing you but I knew that if I didn’t leave, I’d be fucking you in the bar and that wasn’t really fair to my wife or you. I haven’t always been faithful to my wife but I hadn’t cheated on her in years and you were the first serious temptation to come along. I thought about you all that night and wondered how hot the sex would have been. That trip was after the Bounce Tour."
"You aren’t married anymore though are you? What happened?"
"No, we grew apart and when we were together it was like two strangers living under one roof. Dorth and I had always been best friends but the only thing we ever talked about anymore was the kids. We spent a lot of time having sex because we didn’t have to talk. She finally told me that she thought we should separate and about six months later she meet a divorced father and started dating him. We got divorced quietly and it was only a tiny blip on the news scene."
"Nothing like poor Richie and that tramp. Heather came to see me in New York and came
backstage. I liked her a lot she was very kind."
"Yes, Heather is a very good person. I still talk to her every so often."
Jeannette woke up naked in Jon’s arms. She thought about it for a few minutes and remembered what had happened. They were talking and drinking and she leaned over to kiss Jon. He kissed her back and quickly relieved her of her clothes and used his tongue to bring her to an orgasm before carrying her to bed. She remembered taking control in bed and wanting to draw sex out like their kissing but she wanted him inside her too much and gave in to her wanton needs. She turned slightly to watch him sleep for a few minutes and then made herself comfortable and went back to sleep.
Jon woke up an hour or so later and could feel her hair on his chest. He smiled to himself because he finally wasn’t waking up alone. He carefully pulled away from her and pulled the sheet off her body. He studied every inch of her body and committed it to memory before he started leaving tender kisses all over her. She thought she was dreaming until she felt his teeth rake over her nipple. She moaned and slowly opened her eyes. He looked up at her through the valley of her breasts and smiled softly.
"Morning Jen."
"Hey, that’s the first time you called me Jen."
"I think it’s safe to say we are friends now." He replied before returning his attention back to her
"Friends with benefits." She chuckled.
"I know the sensible thing, would be not having sex, but you and I loose our senses around each other."
"Jon, you need to earn your keep." She said with a sexy grin.
"So you would like my special turn down and wake up services?"
"Hell yeah."
Jon laughed, "You know it is rather fun watching and listening to you in the throws of passion, you turn me on."
"You tongue certainly turned me on last night but I miss your kisses."
"How about night sex and morning kisses?"
"Works for me."
"Is there any danger of Chantal walking in on us?"
"Not in the morning, she never wakes me up. She may wonder where you are though."
"Then I guess I better get off you and...."
"You owe me at least a half an hour of serious necking."
"You are such a slave driver." He chuckled before kissing her.
"Jon, don’t you miss your kids?" She asked half an hour later as he was rubbing both nipples between his fingers and sucking on her neck.
"I miss them, I miss then a lot."
"Then what are you doing in East Sussex in my bed?"
"I’m making you moan." Jon answered hoping to deflect this particular line of questioning.
"Yes you are, but you know that’s not what I mean."
"I’ll be seeing my kids in a week or so, right now I’ve got a beautiful woman naked and I’d like to
fuck her brains out again."
"Sorry, but I’m going to go check on my daughter and see if there is any chocolate milk left. We got a fresh delivery today and it better not be gone."
Jeannette kissed the tip of his nose and moved from underneath him. She pulled on a skirt and a tank top, her nipples still extended and pointing out against the thin material and padded downstairs. Jon screamed into the pillow, the knowledge that she had no underwear on was going to drive him nuts all day long.
He walked into the kitchen to find Jen holding an empty glass milk bottle.
"Four, you downed four of these young lady! No more chocolate milk for you today. Chantal you are cut off."
"Mummy, you know how much I love chocolate milk, I can’t help myself. I’m an addict."
"Yeah well cutting off your supply is steps 1-8, in the 12 step program. Go read."
"I’m sorry Miss Pierce, the little imp got to the bottles before I made it over here." Betty stated.
"I don’t blame you Betty. I have a funny feeling she set her alarm so she could meet the
milkman at the door. "
"I’ll make you breakfast, what would you like?"
"Don’t worry about it Betty, I’ll make us both something. You can go stock the pantry then you can have the rest of the day off."
"Thank you Miss, is there anything you’d like beside your soufflé cookies?"
"Some good quality dark chocolate, I’m in the mood to make a pain au chocolat."
"I’ll get you the best they have."
"Betty, do they have graham crackers and marshmallows?" Jon asked.
"Yes, would you like some?"
"Please with a bar of chocolate, just let me go get my wallet."
"Don’t worry about it Jon. Thanks Betty, that will be all."
"What do you want with marshmallows and graham crackers?"
"You’ve obviously never had a s’more."
"A s’more, never heard of it. What is it?"
"You’ll see, what time to you put Chantal to bed normally?"
"Around nine."
"Then you’ll find out around eight." Jon said as he walked up behind her and pulled her against him, kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her body.
"Joooon." she replied trying to fight her desire for him.
"Did you really think you could strut around all day without panties and not have to suffer the consequences?" he whispered huskily in her ears as he raised her skirt up to her waist and
caressed her cheeks with his hands.
"Jon, not here."
"Shush, I’m in charge now and right here, right now is the consequence." He pulled his zipper
down and entered her quickly thrusting hard as she melted in his arms, holding on to the counter for dear life. His need for her, made being gentle impossible as he rammed in to her over and over again until he exploded inside of her. As soon as he withdrew she slipped down to the ground.
"Bloody hell Jon, you fucked me like I was a piece of meat. I’m sore from the force you used."
"Sorry Baby, my desire for you got out of control."
"I wouldn’t like that every time but wow those orgasms were intense."
"So the beautiful star likes it rough?" Jon asked with a wolfish grin as he joined her on the floor and bit down on an exposed nipple pulling her skirt off and tearing the thin tank right off her body.
Jen moaned and thrust her other breast towards his mouth finding the pain/pleasure addictive.
"Oh God, I love that." She growled as he continued his rough assault on her nipples.
"You ain't seen nothing yet." Jon growled back as he nipped his way down her body, chewing
and sucking on the tender flesh of her inner thighs, his fingers pinching and pulling her nipples as she writhed underneath him. He moved up sucking her clit into his mouth. probing it with his tongue and nibbling on it, until he bit down hard and kept the sensitive nub between his teeth. The pressure was too great for Jeannette as her body spasmed and let loose a torrent of cum filling Jon's mouth and running down his chin to his chest and dripping back onto her body. Jon looked up at her through her heaving breasts, with the evidence of her arousal on his chin.
"That's just round one darling." he muttered huskily. He grabbed her legs throwing them over his shoulders and tilting her pelvis upwards as he drove his tongue inside her, his thumb and forefinger rolling and pinching her engorged bud.
Jeannette no longer cared where she was or if the entire world was watching as she got lost in the delicious savage ministrations. She was no prude, having seduced many a man over the years but none, not even Sam, had made her feel like Jon did. At the moment he was making her feel like a dirty little whore and she loved it.
He flipped her over, pressing her large breasts into the cold marble floor, sucking on her neck while kneading her firm buttocks, his finger teasing her hole. He lifted her up by the stomach and pushed her knees up so that her ass was in the air and entered her quickly.
Jeannette screamed at the invasion but a second later the pain gave way to indescribable pleasure as he thrust into her like a piston.
"God, you are so fucking tight Jen." Jon groaned as he increased the speed and force he was
Her tight anal muscles seemed to squeeze his cock and the friction was driving him insane and making it almost impossible to not fuck her like a piece of meat again.
"God Jen, I'm going to have to pull out or I might hurt you."
"NO! God no, Jon treat me like a whore and fuck me as hard as you can."
"You sure?"
"Fuck my ass." she roared as Jon slammed into her with brute force and showed no signs of stopping in the near future.
They both lay panting on the floor sweat covering their bodies, breathing was hard, talking impossible but Jon's fingers were still moving inside her. Jen was amazed she was even capable of cumming again but Jon fingered her until she had one last orgasm.
"Oh God Jon, once Chantal is asleep we are going to the stable and you are going to fuck me like that over and over."
"You like having your ass assaulted?"
"Yes, it makes me feel so dirty that it adds to the excitement for me. I don't like my pussy being fucked that hard. Earlier, was the hardest I've ever had my pussy fucked but it was gentle compared to how you fucked my ass. Best sex I've ever had."
Jon smiled, loving the control he had over her sexual pleasure. "So night sex, morning kisses and mid afternoon ass fuckings?"
"At the very least to earn you keep. Don't forget I'm feeding you too."
"I'll try to be even rougher then. You are incredible Jen, sex just makes you come alive. You look and sing like an angel but you are a dirty slut in the bedroom. You are my perfect woman."
Jen laughed, "I guess that makes you my Sex God, Master."
Jon chuckled, "You aren't submissive though, you were thrusting your ass into me with each
stroke. When you wrap that pretty little mouth around me, you make me see stars. You are a highly skilled sex master yourself."
"We are a perfect sexual match."
"Yes we are, no wonder it was so hard to leave you after just one kiss."
"Betty should be back any minute, grab your clothes I'll go find the mop."
Jon looked down at the marble floor and grinned, "Don't slip, damn we made a hell of a mess."
"Go to my room and get in the shower, I'll be there in a minute. Go, no one will see you on the stairs."
Jen quickly cleaned up the floor and sprayed air freshener to get the smell of sex out of the kitchen, grabbed her skirt and tossed her ruined tank into the rubbish bin. She walked right into the shower and kissed Jon passionately and they made love in the shower, washing and drying each other off.
"Guess I better put some knickers on this time." she chuckled.
"Yes otherwise you'll be punished and it may be in front of Chantal since I can't control myself
around you."
"Hmm, like these?" " she asked showing Jon a barely there sheer scrap of pink material.
"Oh God," Jon moaned as she slid the excuse for a thong up her legs and put on the matching push up demi bra that left more of her breasts out than covered. She went digging and found a very tight light pink t shirt with a low boat neck and wiggled her way into a pair of tight white short shorts.
She turned around slowly licking her lips. "Like what you see Jon?"
"What do you think?" Jon groaned looking down at his raging hard on.
"I think I best take care of that for you." she suggested dropping to her knees and sucking him into her mouth. Her tongue, lips and throat made love to him until he released his seed down her throat and she licked him clean.
Jon dropped to his knees and kissed her passionately when she was done. "Jeannette, where have you been all my life?" he asked softly.
"In primary school." she laughed. "You were a rock star before I debuted in Les Miz." she added.
"I'm not that much older than you."
"You are twelve years older than me Jon."
"Yeah well, age is a state of mind."
"I'm going to check on my daughter." She replied as she stood up and left Jon still on his knees naked in her room.
He quickly threw some clothes on, went to his room to get his phone and made a call.
"Rich, I need you help."
"Where the hell are you Bro?"
"In East Sussex with Jeannette. I may be in love Rich. I'm definitely in lust."
"I think you are confusing lust and love Bro. Is she that good?"
"Best fucking sex in my entire life Richie. She's dignified, beautiful, very proper, intelligent, has the voice of an angel and she is a total harlot in bed. She's not even at her sexual peak yet. I
don't want to leave her."
"You have to Jon."
"I know but I'm seriously thinking of how we can get out of this mini tour, that's how much I like her."
"Bring her with you and you can fuck her all you want."
"It's not that simple, she won't leave Chantal and all hell will break loose if anyone sees me with Chantal."
"Face it Jon, you are screwed then."
"There has to be a way, think of a way."
"Yeah don't be holding your breath." Richie chuckled.
"Fuck Sambora, you're no God damn help!"
"Love you too Johnny, see you on the sixth." Richie hung up the phone knowing Jon would be a prick when he got to Sarnia, a caged bear without his favourite toy.
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1 comment:
This chapter is so good! I love it! I can so imagine Jon doing all that. It´s so hot!!!
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