As Jon turned onto his road he wondered if Dorothea would still be there or not. He noticed her car sitting in the driveway and pulled up in front of the door. Jen and Chantal were both staring at the massive French chateau.
"Did we take a wrong tour and end up in Versailles?" Chantal asked.
Stephanie chuckled, "Wait until you see the living room, Dad was going for that exact look. It's all Louis the fourteenth and mirrors."
"Suddenly Amberly seems so tiny." Jen muttered to her daughter.
"My grounds are not as large as yours but I think the house is at 19,000-square-feet." Jon
"Umm yes mine is like 15,000. Big house for a big ego."
Jon turned around and gave her a look rolling his eyes and pretending to be hurt by her words. He climbed out of the SUV and opened the back taking the girls luggage out. He brought the bags to the door and then turned around to wait for Jen. Stephanie and Chantal dashed past him and in the door while Jen stopped at the threshold.
"Darling, I'm still the same guy. Don't let the house freak you out."
"Do you provide GPS systems or do I carry food with me for when I get lost and it takes someone weeks to find me?"
"Weeks? Do you seriously plan on being here for that long?" Jon asked with a huge grin.
"No, not unless I get lost."
"Oh, I guess I should tell you that my ex wife is here. She'll be leaving in a few minutes."
"I want to go home." Jen said quietly.
Jon smiled gently at her. He held her chin in his right hand and looked straight into her deep green eyes. "I want you here Bella, I want my kids to met the enchanting, beautiful woman who captured my heart. Please will you come inside with me?"
Jen still looked like she wanted to flee so he drew her face towards his and captured her lower lip kissing her slowly, his thumb making circles on her chin. "Please Jen."
"Promise you won't leave my side?"
"I promise."
Jon wrapped his left arm around her back and held on to her right hand with his as he led her into the house. The ornate opulence of the grand entry made her feel uncomfortable. She was rarely ill at ease but this house, knowing that Jon's wife was there made her stomach turn inside out.
"I'm home guys!" Jon yelled as Jen broke free of his hold and dashed outside, her waffles and orange juice just managing to land in the bushes instead of the front walk.
Jon rushed outside and cringed. He hated the scent, the look and sound of vomit and Jen still looked rather green. He rubbed her back soothingly, burying his head in her back as she threw up twice more.
"Try to breathe Darling."
"Just leave me here to die." she whimpered knowing that the bitter taste of bile still in her mouth meant she wasn't finished.
Stephanie wondered where they had gone and opened the front door. She saw Jen hunched over and her father staring at her back and groaned. She dashed into the bathroom, filling the glass with cold water, and running a face cloth under cold water too. She went back to the front door and told her Dad to leave and go make a cup of Ginger tea.
"Jen put out your hand, I've got a cold cloth for your forehead and water when you are ready. Dad and vomit don't mix."
"Thank you Steph." Jen replied weakly and placed the cloth on her forehead.
The cool cloth made her feel much better and she practised deep breathing until she was sure she wasn't going to throw up again. She reached for the glass and smiled when it was right there for her. She swished it around her mouth and spit it out on the bushes a couple of times to rinse her mouth out before taking a long sip.
"I'm beyond mortified, only I do these types of things."
"Don't worry Jen, only Dad and I know. I sent him to make you a cup of Ginger tea. With any luck, he won't burn the kitchen down. You still look rather pale though."
"I think I need to sit down."
"Let's go into Dad's study, it's the tamest room on the main floor, well beside the kitchen but I don't think you want to meet my Mom at the moment."
"No and Chantal will only worry if she sees me."
Stephanie led her into the mahogany-furnished study, the walls covered with movie and music mementos. Jeannette collapsed into a leather arm chair and closed her eyes. A few minutes later her nose caught his scent and she smiled. She could feel his energy enter the room and heard the soft sound of a cup being placed on the desk. Jen opened her eyes and found Jon on his knees in front of her, one hand on her knee, the other cupping the side of her face.
"How do you feel beautiful?"
"I've felt better, I always have severe reactions to jet lag. I'm afraid I'm going to need to lay down soon."
"Drink the tea and I'll go send Dorth on her way. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Kay." she replied softly holding on to the cup to ward off the chill that had overtaken her entire body. She sipped on the warm liquid knowing that the ginger would settle her stomach.
"So where is this fabulous woman Jon?" Dorothea asked.
"Jeannette is not feeling very well at the moment. Thank you for staying with the boys last night. I'm heading down to New Orleans Thursday with the kids. Are you still going to join us?"
"Yes. Well, I'm glad you warned me about Chantal, it is very eerie indeed. I almost don't believe you."
"It is the truth, I'll call you in a few days."
"Give me a kiss Steph."
Stephanie kissed her Mom and went over to the cupboard. She took out a sleeve of unsalted soda crackers and brought them to Jeannette.
"These always help me when I feel sick. Can I get you more tea?"
"I don't think another cup will hurt."
"You are coming to New Orleans with us right?"
"For what?"
"Dad's football team is in the Arena Bowl finals for the first time on Sunday. We are going down Thursday."
"I can't stand American football, can't stand proper football either. I guess Chantal and I will head home on Thursday then."
"No Jen, you can't leave so soon, you just got here. You'll just be back to normal and you'll have to face jet lag again.
"Don't remind me Steph. I'm not going to the Hampton's and I'm certainly not going to sit in a box where there will be television cameras. I don't want to stay here without your Dad."
"Jen, if my brother's agree would you mind hosting us at the manor? We could all hang out there instead of at the Hampton's house. I'd love to see it."
"I'd be happy to host you but your Dad just got home and...."
"Dad would do anything to spend time with you. You're his Bella after all."
"His what?"
"It's from my books. You should read them, they are really well written. Lots of adults read them."
"I'll talk to your dad about the manor when I'm feeling more alive. I promise."
"Thanks, I'll go get you more tea."
Stephanie ran into her brother Jesse on the way to the kitchen. He was holding Chantal's hand and the simple smile on his face made her stop. Chantal had a huge grin on her face and batted her eyelashes at Jesse when he looked down at her. He turned red but didn't let go of her tiny hand. She followed the pair and watched as he pulled a stool out from the breakfast bar for her and kept his hand on her arm until she had settled on the stool. He fetched a large glass and filled it with chocolate milk, pouring himself a glass. He slid the glass over to her and sat down beside her quietly sipping on the cold milk while he studied her.
(Dear God, he's imprinted on her.) Stephanie shook her head, wondering if her Dad was right, she was too obsessed with the Twilight series. She was seeing everything with that type of slant. She poured the tea slowly as the usually very shy Jesse started talking to Chantal like he'd known her for years. (I'm not going crazy this reminds me of how Jared imprinted on Kim in Eclipse. OK my brother isn't a werewolf but this is just too freaky.)
She brought the tea to Jen and sighed.
"What's wrong Steph?"
"You know what imprinting is right?"
"It's how certain animals find their mate."
"Right, well in my books that happens to a couple of the werewolves."
"I thought the books were about vampires?"
"They are but Bella's best friend turns out to be the Alpha werewolf. Anyway, I think Jesse has imprinted on Chantal."
Jeannette chuckled, "Well he is only 8 years older than her not 16 years. Maybe we can get her to imprint on Jacob instead."
"I'm serious Jen."
"Sweetie, I think you need to take a break from those books. Go read some Edith Wharton, she's one of my favourite authors."
Before Stephanie could tell Jeannette what she saw her Dad entered the room. She dashed back to the kitchen to keep her eye on her brother. Jon noticed she'd finished the second cup of tea and leaned over picking her up in his arms. He carried her up to his bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. He took off her heels and pulled down one side of the covers. Jen moved over and quickly made herself comfortable, her back to him. Jon played with her hair and hummed gently until he heard her soft breathing and knew she was asleep. He kissed the top of her head and left the room closing the door behind him.
Jeannette woke up a few hours later and found the house empty. She took a box out of her suitcase, went downstairs to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. Jen travelled with her favourite types of tea so that they were always available. She wandered around the lower level and found the living room. It seemed to be too busy for Jon's taste and she tossed all the pillows of the blue couch and curled in to the corner. She noticed a black hard cover book sitting on the table and rolled her eyes when she saw the pale hands holding a bright red apple with Twilight written above. With her tea finished, her curiosity got the better of her and she started reading the book. She was well in to the book and enjoying herself when she heard Jon groan.
"Oh God, not you too!"
"It's very interesting Jon. It moves at a quick pace. Where was everyone?"
"I took Chantal on a full tour of the grounds stopping in the pub/game room, the recording studio and the boat house. Jess took her out in the little boat for a short trip along the Navesink
"So where are the rest of your brood?"
Steph stayed on the dock and Jake and Romeo should just about be coming in the back door now. I walk a little faster than they do.
"Ah would you mind, grabbing the two wrapped blue gifts on your bed."
"Trying to buy my kids affection?"
"Of course."
"Just don't be hurt when Romeo dismisses you."
"Yes, you warned me. How was he with Chantal?"
"Totally ignored her presence, didn't even say hello to her until I forced him to be polite."
"Go get the gifts, please."
Jon met his sons in the hall on his way down and brought them in to the living room to meet Jen. Jacob said hello and thanked her for his gift. He was thrilled to see a book on the Tower of London and a bunch of candies he'd never seen before. Romeo looked at the dicast London black cab and red double decker bus and told Jacob he could have them and took off to his room with the candy.
"Sorry about that, he is a rude little dude." Jacob replied with a grin.
"I guess he hasn't let you teach him how to be charming like you."
"Thanks, do you mind if I go read the book?"
"Be my guest Jacob."
"You can call me Jake, Miss Pierce."
"Call me Jen, then Jake."
"Kay, call me for dinner Dad."
"Oh damn, I didn't check your provisions out."
"Would you just let me order pizza and you can force us to eat healthy tomorrow?"
"So we have the room to ourselves for a while does that give you any ideas?"
"Yeah, you can pour me another cup of tea please, I made a pot. Then you can find a book and start reading. I'm very comfortable right now and this book is good."
"Jen, I meant ideas that involve you being naked and experiencing multiple orgasms."
"Jon Francis Bongiovi, do you really want me to barf all over you? My stomach is barely settled as it is. I need to relax, not get all worked up."
"You are no fun."
"It is the jet lag not me. You know how much fun I can be."
Jon muttered something she couldn't understand and went to refill her cup of tea and opened a bottle of beer for himself. He placed the cup where she had it before and sat down on the other end of the couch just watching her read. Jen tried very hard to ignore him, she could feel him watching her and it was driving her crazy. She finished the chapter and looked up at him.
"Can't you find anything productive to do?"
"Oh this is productive, I've got you stripped naked and...."
"Would you please go get a bloody book and stop thinking salacious thoughts about me!"
"Pretty hard to do when you are wearing a top that tight, I can see your lucious hard nipples straining against the thin cotton. You must have a sheer bra on."
"Yes, it's almost the same colour of my top and I have the matching sheer thong on."
"Like the pink?"
"A little skimpier actually." she replied with a wicked grin.
"Dear God, you had to add that extra detail didn't you?" Jon groaned as he shifted in his now painfully tight jeans.
"Yes, I'm hoping you'll go take a cold shower and leave me to read in peace."
"You are evil incarnate."
Jen sighed, put her book down and yanked her T shirt off, playing with her stiff nipples for a moment before picking her book back up and ignoring him. She knew it would only be a mater of time before he couldn't take it any longer and started idly playing with her right nipple as she read. She heard him growl and then get off the couch calling her a litany of choice names as he stomped up the stairs. She chuckled to herself and pulled her T shirt back on. Jen managed to read another forty pages before Jon came back downstairs in a lose pair of shorts and a T shirt.
"Feeling better now?"
"I'll get you for this, you will be punished severely."
"Mmm, looking forward to it. Say could you record us having sex in your studio? I'd love to hear what I really sound like in the throws."
"I'd love to record you. No one has ever cum as lyrically as you do, just listening to you makes me instantly hard."
"I'd love another cuppa."
"I should have never told you I was your humble servant."
"Too late to take it back."
When Jon returned with her tea she put the book down and smiled at him.
"Thank you, Stephanie tells me that you own a football team that won something?"
"Yes, we are playing in our first ever Arena Bowl Championships, it's in New Orleans next
Sunday. We are leaving Thursday, I thought we could hole up in the hotel when I don't have to
show my face."
"No, I'll be going home on Thursday."
"What? No! You just got here and I'm no where near ready to let you go."
"Jon, I hate football and hiding out in a hotel is not my idea of fun. Stephanie wondered if I'd be willing to host you at the manor instead of you going to the Hamptons. I told her I'd ask you. I'm sorry Jon, but you are going to have to follow me around the world if you want me."
"How about you stay here, enjoy the pool, the river, the privacy and then when I get back we can all take my jet to the manor."
"So Monday?"
"Well when we win there will be a parade so I'm thinking Wednesday."
"So you want me to stay here alone for a week?"
"Yes." Jon replied softly crossing his fingers.
"Jon, if I'm not going to see you I rather be at home and get ready for your visit. It's not like we can do anything on the plane with 5 kids watching us."
"Fine, but for the record, I'm not happy about this."
"Duly noted. Now please tell me if you have the fixings for a salad to go with dinner."
"I know we don't. I can order one with the pizza, which I better order now. What do you and Chantal like?"
"Cheese, mushrooms, red pepper, grilled chicken, cashews, ham, pineapple are the toppings we can agree on."
"Just no red onions."
"Exactly. I'd like a spinach salad if they have one, dressing on the side."
"I'll go order."
Jen was expecting to see Jon a few minutes later, but it was Chantal, Stephanie and Jesse who appeared before her. Stephanie noticed the book in her hand immediately and grinned. Jesse's hair was a light brown, his eyes a deep blue like his father and he was attractive. She wondered for a second where the cute 13 year olds were when she was 13 and smiled.
"You must be Jesse. I hope Miss Muffet hasn't been driving you crazy."
Jesse looked down at Chantal and smiled, "No, she is quite delightful company."
Stephanie sat down beside Jen and whispered, "See what I mean, it's imprinting I tell you."
Jeannette chuckled and shot Stephanie a look. "Jesse, I had no idea what 13 year old boys were into, so I hope you don't mind a Barnes and Noble online gift card."
"Wow, thank you. You didn't have to give me anything, that is very generous of you."
"You are welcome, I printed the page out before I left home. It's sitting on your Dad's bed in an
envelope if you'd like to go get it."
"Cool thanks, do you mind if I go up now?"
"Of course not. Your Dad is ordering dinner."
Chantal went to follow Jesse until Jen called her back.
"So kiddo did you like the tour?"
"Yes the game room is neat, Jon promised I could play pinball after dinner. The river is very picturesque too. The neighbours raise horses."
"Ah, consider yourself very lucky young lady we are having pizza for dinner."
"Yahoo! I guess you'll force me to eat a salad though."
"You know I will. Steph, I talked to your Dad and while he's not thrilled that we will be heading home on Thursday, he has agreed to bring you all to the manor after some victory parade."
"Cool, how far are you from London? I've never seen it before. Could it be a day trip?"
"How much do you like football Stephanie?"
"It's OK, I like all the food in the box more. Why?"
"I was thinking I could bring you back with me and that way you could experience London."
"Oh Wow! That would be awesome! You'd show me around?"
"No, I'd send you out alone and only at night." Jen answered sarcastically.
"Hey maybe Rob is back home. You can get him to take Steph for lunch."
"Oh my God, I'd forget my name as soon as I looked into his eyes."
"I have to have a little chat with Rob first." Jen sighed giving Chantal a pointed look.
Chantal was smart enough to hide her smirk from her mother. She wondered what was taking Jess so long and smiled when he came back in to the room a minute later.
"Guess what Jess, Jen is taking me to London while you guys are in New Orleans. Then you are going to meet us at the manor. "
"Cool, thank you again Jen, you were very generous."
"Will you come to London too Jess?" Chantal asked with a big smile.
"Jess loves football as much as my Dad does Chantal, there is no way he wants to miss this."
"But I want him to come with us." Chantal said pouting and giving Jess her sad puppy dog look.
Jess felt torn, he's been looking forward to the game since the Soul won on Saturday but he didn't want to make Chantal sad either. The little girl had a powerful hold on him that he didn't understand. Jen he could understand, she was gorgeous and made him feel like he needed a cold shower. He envied his dad for being able to caress those breasts. Chantal made him want to protect her, to make sure she was happy and having fun. He felt happy just being around her.
"Chantal, if it means that much to you....."
"Jesse!" Stephanie and Jen both yelled at the same time.
"It does." Chantal replied smiling softly.
"Chantal Louise Pierce! Stop manipulating Jesse, he is going to the game and that is final."
"I think they've imprinted on each other." Stephanie muttered.
"I don't need to hang around for the parade. I could fly in Monday morning if Dad lets me."
"Jesse, ignore her, I'm sure until a minute ago you were looking forward to the entire spectacle." Jen replied giving Chantal a look.
"I was looking forward to the game, honestly I didn't care about the parade. I'd like to see London too." (London beats Philly any day.)
"I'll consider it and talk to your Dad. Chantal go wash your hands and read."
"Yes Mummy." Chantal knew from her mother's tone that she wasn't happy with her.
"Say no Jen, I liked the idea of a girls week."
"Steph, I'm standing right here! Stop being so selfish." Jesse growled.
Jeannette rolled her eyes and was suddenly very thankful she only had one child. "Steph, why don't you go see what is keeping your Dad. Jesse have a seat."
"Yes Jeannette?"
"Jesse, do not let my daughter talk you in to anything. Her manipulative skills are legendary. She may be five but she thinks like a forty year old corporate raider."
Jesse laughed, "Thanks for the warning, but I think I can handle her."
"That's what they all say." Jen sighed realizing Rob never stood a chance against her daughter.
Jon returned and smiled when he noticed the book was on the coffee table. He sent Jesse up to his room. He sat down and pulled her on his lap, kissing her neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned softly as he started fingering her nipples through the T shirt.
"Do me a favour beautiful."
"Go upstairs, take the bra off and the thong, slip into a short skirt and put the T shirt back on."
"You want my nipples even more obvious?"
"Yes, I want to punish you right after dinner."
"Jon, in front of 5 kids? Are you nuts?"
"Oh that's what I'll be thinking but I planned on taking you to the boat house. I want my whore back."
"Jen, I know you enjoy being a dirty whore, I can see it in your eyes right now. You want me to tie you up and use you over and over again. There is nothing you like more than rough hard sex that makes walking difficult."
"Actually there is something I like just as much, you know what that is."
"This?" Jon asked with a grin and kissed her softly his lips feather light on hers while a finger circled each hardened nipple.
He smiled when she started moaning and kissed her just a little bit harder nibbling on her lower lip. He knew he had her floating in utter bliss and took advantage, sliding his hand under the T shirt, releasing the front clasp of the bra and playing with her breasts. With deft skill he lowered her on her back on the couch and hovered over her leaving most of his weight on the one leg planted firmly on the ground. He lifted her T shirt up sucking on each nipple before returning to her lips before she begged him to. He licked her lips running his tongue lightly across the roof of her mouth as she arched her body into him, the sensation making her juices flow. Jon knew he had found the perfect kiss and let his tongue go back to the roof of her mouth swirling his tongue ever so lightly, feeling her nipples grow larger under his fingers, her body shudder in a long orgasm as he kissed her over and over again. He slid one hand down her body between her thighs and just as he expected found her pants soaked. He stroked her through the pants, feeling her moan in to his mouth rather than hear her as he continued to assault her with kisses until her entire body was writhing under him. He didn't stop tormenting her until her body went slack underneath him and he knew he had made her pass out from a too intense orgasm.
He slid her T shirt back down and picked her up carrying her upstairs to his room. He placed her gently on the bed, pulling her T shirt off and making quick work of the open bra. He suckled her nipples and unbuttoned her pants working to slid the wet material off her thighs and off her body. Her entire lower body glistened with cum and he was happy he had shorts on as he was hard as a rock. He started at her ankles and began licking his handiwork up loving how her skin tasted and the knowledge that he had such a powerful affect on her. His tongue was at the juncture of her inner thigh when her heard her moan. It was a long almost hum that sounded like a melody to him and he continued cleaning her up listening to her in bliss. As soon as his tongue slid over her clit she was cumming again and he dipped his face in to eat her, his tongue lapping her sweet juices up.
"Oh God Jon, how did we....."
"Welcome back to the land of the living my love. You passed out on me on the couch."
"All I remember was one intense orgasm after another until I just couldn't ...."
"You passed out when your body could not handle the pleasure anymore."
"I ruined a pair of two hundred pound linen pants."
"I'll happily buy you a new pair. I changed my mind Jen, leave your cum soaked thong where it is and put on a skirt. I want you to sit at the dinner table and be constantly reminded that you are my cum slut."
"Oh God Jon, I am you dirty little cum slut."
"Good, hurry up the pizza should be here any minute and remember no bra."
Jen bit her lower lip watching his backside as he left her in the room, closing the door behind him. She looked at herself in the mirror. She saw a tall blonde standing there in a wisp of a sheer pale green thong her nipples hard as rocks, her entire body and facial expressions that of a women who had just been thoroughly fucked. She ran her fingers over her nipples and sighed, her lips were swollen from all the kissing and sucking and she hardly recognized the woman she saw in the mirror. She saw a wanton slut, a woman who would do anything to cum that hard again. A woman who would have walked downstairs naked if he had asked her to. Jen hated the power he held over her, how desperately she needed his touch and would do anything to have it. He was the most powerful drug in the world, she was hopelessly addicted and knew she'd never recover.
She went into her suitcase, pulled out a short denim skirt and stepped in to it. She'd lost weight again as the size 2 was a little big on her. She was going for the green T shirt again when she remembered her thin white tank top and put it on instead. (He wanted nipples? I'll give him nipples.) The top clung to her body; her nipples and aureole visible through the thin material. The last time she'd worn this top, her date told her she was a walking wet dream. She looked in the mirror one last time, sliding a shiny currant lipstick over her lips and kissing the air. She'd never looked or felt so blatantly sexy in her life. She hoped Jon's heart could take it.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Just One Kiss Chapter 8
Jon woke up to find Jen tracing imaginary shapes on his chest with one finger. Her touch was feather light but it was setting him on fire. She was looking past him, out the window and he studied her wondering what she was thinking about. When he could no long bare the gentle torture he grabbed her wrist and pulled her on top of him.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty."
"Morning my love. What time is it?"
"9:30. I ordered breakfast, it should be here in a few minutes."
"Have you been awake long?"
"A few hours, my body is still on the proper time."
"I'm still not sure that this isn't all a dream."
Jeannette chuckled and pinched his right nipple.
"This is not a dream, I am naked and on top of you."
"Hmm why don't you go for a ride then, facing me so I can enjoy the view."
"My ride looks a little soft to support me."
"You know perfectly well how to fix that." Jon growled.
Jeannette smirked at him and slid down his body, pulling him into her warm mouth and driving him crazy. Once she had him hard and twitching, she lowered herself on him and began riding him, rotating her hips, leaning forward and back until she found the perfect spot to pleasure herself and started riding him in earnest. She loved being able to watch the powerful effect she had on him, his clear blue eyes turning smoky with lust and desire. The way he looked at her made her feel so special and she had to stop herself from thinking about hiding out in the Hampton's with him. They were both close to orgasm when there was a knock at the door for room service. She'd instructed them to just leave the cart so she kept going until they both felt sweet release. She kissed Jon on the tip of his nose, climbed off him and went to the door.
Before Jon could protest that she was opening the door naked the door was closed again and she was pushing the cart to the bed. Jon reached for the pot of coffee and poured himself a cup full while she poured orange juice for herself. She'd ordered waffles with melted chocolate and strawberries with a whip cream topping, scrambled eggs, toasted English muffins, bacon and sausages. Jen dipped her finger in the whip cream and ran it along his lower lip. His tongue slid out and licked it up before she could kiss it away.
"Mmm you going to feed me?"
"No, I intended to kiss that off." she replied and stuck her fork in the waffle.
"Sorry, want to try again?"
"Nope, you ruined it." Jen chuckled.
"Evil wench."
"What was that? You want me on the first plane home?"
"No, if I had my way you'd never leave my side ever again."
"I don't like being called names."
"Sorry, I'll try to remember that."
"Oh and while I'm picking on you, your swearing drives me absolutely crazy. It's a really poor example to set for children and it makes you sound very uneducated and common."
"Common? The British snob in you is coming out again."
"I'll never apologize for being well bread or insisting Chantal be well bread."
"Can I taste the waffle?" Jon asked changing the subject.
"Sure, help yourself."
After a relatively quite breakfast Jon, suggested that since she flew across an ocean to see him, he owed her an hour of kissing and Jeannette agreed completely. An hour and a half later, they were both dressed and on their way down the hall to check on the girls. They found a note on the table saying they went across the street, underneath FAO to have lunch and would be back by one. Jon smiled and quickly pulled the zipper down on Jen's dress, picking her up and tossing her on the still unmade bed.
"Your breasts are jealous of your lips." he whispers as he sucks one hardened peak into his mouth.
Jon drove her insane, paying attention to just her breasts and ignoring her pleas to fuck her senseless. He had her writhing underneath him, her eyes so clouded by lust he couldn't tell what colour they were. He heard the door open first and sprung up off Jeannette leaving the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Chantal saw him and ran straight in to his arms. Jon smiled at his daughter over Chantal's shoulder and mouthed I love you to her.
"Where's Mummy?" Chantal asked as she pulled Jon to the couch to show him her new puppets.
"She's changing. Thank you so much, my little manipulator." Jon grinned and pulled his daughter in to his arms for a hug and kiss.
"You were so sad Dad, I couldn't stand it. I like Jen and Chantal is a hoot!"
"I'm not an owl." Chantal protested and was met with laughter.
Chantal excused herself and ran to the bathroom. Jon sat down on the couch and motioned to his
daughter. His heart melted when she sat down in his lap, throwing her arms around his neck and resting her head on his chest.
"Jen is your Bella, isn't she?" she asked softly.
It took Jon a few minutes to figure out that she was talking about a character from a series of books she was devoted to. "I haven't read the books so I can't really say."
"If I gave you a short list of maybe ten pages I wanted you to read would you?"
"Right now?"
"No, the book is at home on my desk, but when we get home..............."
"Yes, I owe you at least that for bringing her to me."
"It's freaky how much Chantal looks like you."
"I know, I had to remind myself that I only kissed Jeannette once and fled."
"Fled? Where? When?"
"A little over six years ago, in Fiji. I went to a small bar just past the resort we were all staying at and she walked in and blew my mind. We talked briefly, a few words maybe and found ourselves being drawn together and we kissed. It was a long passionate kiss, I realized that if I didn't stop it, I'd hurt your Mom, you guys and her so I ran out of the bar. I ran all the way back to the room where you were sleeping peacefully beside your Mom."
"Wow, I know that you haven't always been shall we say faithful to Mom but..."
"I wish you didn't know that but yeah I've been a shit. At the time I had been very faithful to your Mom, had been since I found out she was carrying you baby, but Jen was the first serious temptation. I think how much I wanted her scared me and reminded me I had no right."
(Yeah she's your Bella, Dad, but you aren't her Edward, not yet anyway.) "So what's the plan for today?"
Stephanie's head was swimming thinking about Jon being so tempted by her that he fled. She saw it as Edward trying to resist Bella's singing blood when he first met her. How Jen was obviously his weakness and he couldn't live without her just as Edward couldn't bare to be without Bella. She knew that if she mentioned this to her father, he would tell her to stop reading those vampire books as he called them. Stephanie and her friends could recite almost every line of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of books by heart. They'd spent countless hours arguing over who loved Bella more Edward or Jacob, imagining what they would do if they were Bella and so on. She had been too young to get caught up in the initial Harry Potter mania but not the Twilight revolution. She'd already ordered the fourth and final book in the series and had a countdown to it's release date going on her phone. She looked at the large 17 on her phone and smiled. She planned on staying up all night to read it.
"So what do you think?" Jon asked.
"Think about what?" she replied.
"The plans for today, you asked me what we were doing and I told you."
"Oh yeah fine. I thought you were asking me what I thought about Jen." Stephanie lied.
"She adores me of course." Jeannette laughed as she walked in to the room in a pair of light beige pants and a pale green V neck T shirt that clung to her curves.
"I certainly adore you." Jon confessed.
"Mummy, come look at the picture Stephanie drew and I coloured."
Chantal thrust a white page with a picture of a flower strewn meadow drawn on it in her mother's face.
"Manners Chantal." Jeannette muttered giving her daughter a pointed look.
"Sorry, Mummy."
"You drew this? I'm very impressed Stephanie. Chantal you coloured it so neatly too."
"It is for you Mummy."
"Why thank you so very much. You both need to sign this masterpiece so I can frame it."
"It's not frame worthy." Stephanie argued.
"It most certainly is. Did you see this Jon?"
"No, Steph stopped drawing me things years ago." Jon looked at and was surprised how complicated the drawing was. "This is wonderful Baby, where did you get the idea for a meadow?"
(You don't want to know dad, it's a Bella and Edward thing) "It just came to me."
"I was just telling Steph that I had a quick errand to run then we could go to the house, get you
settled and order a pizza or something for dinner."
"Order? Don't you have a cook Jon?"
"Then I'll make dinner. Pizza is not a proper meal for growing children."
"Our fridge is pretty bare Jen." Stephanie stated.
"Then I shall inspect it with your pantry and make a list for your father."
Jon rolled his eyes, the last thing he wanted to do on his first day off was going to buy groceries but he knew this was an argument he'd loose so he said nothing. He ignored the sensory memory of his favourite pizza that was trying to convince him to fight. He put on his baseball hat and sunglasses, left a kiss on Jen's lips and told her he'd be back in an hour.
"So what are we going to do Mummy?"
"I want some tea, jet lag is starting to catch up with me and I'm afraid I'm in need of a nap."
"You are too young to be acting so old Mummy."
Jen looked at her watch and Stephanie moaned.
"What? I'm not allowed to be tired?"
"No, you are a freak like my Dad, you wear your watch the wrong way."
"Really I never noticed his watch, this is a better way. It requires less movement." Jen
answered looking at the watch face that sat on her pulse point.
"Freak." Stephanie muttered.
"Well I'm going to take my freaky self into the room and pack for Chantal until my tea arrives."
Jon didn't find what he was looking for in Cartier and was about to give up in Tiffany's when a flash of coral caught his eye. He walked over to the counter and found several Elsa Peretti's small heart charms. He bought a white gold, pink gold, amethyst and coral one for her with a twenty inch platinum chain. The sales clerk wrapped it up in the standard Tiffany blue necklace box and slid on a white bow. She was too hung over from all the beer she drank at the Bon Jovi concert to even notice that it was Jon she was serving. He was happy no one recognized him and quickly made his way back to the hotel as he didn't want to press his luck.
When Jon returned he found Stephanie and Chantal hosting a tea party for Winston and the two new plush puppets.
"Where is my beloved?" Jon asked.
"Mummy and jet lag don't get along very well. She's asleep on my bed. She should be normal
again in a few days."
"I don't think Jeannette has ever been normal." he chuckled, "Demanding, hyper even extraordinary but never normal."
"I heard that Bongiovi, get you money maker in here now!" she growled.
"Been nice knowing you Dad." Stephanie giggled.
Jon walked towards the room with an overly dramatic face. Stephanie thought it looked like he was heading to the gallows and started chuckling. A moment or two later, she heard the slap and her Dad's sharp "Ouch." She broke out in laughter, knowing that Jen had either put him over her knee or just reached out and smacked him hard in the ass for teasing her.
He could hear his daughter, his precious first born, killing herself laughing at his punishment and decided she was getting a bus pass instead of a car for her sixteenth.
"You are so not getting the gift I bought you after that. You are going to have to work very hard to gain it back."
"Oh no! How shall I ever go on? How will I sleep with the knowledge that it's gone?" she replied sarcastically, pleased that he had brought her something.
"You are a real piece of work lady." he muttered, rubbing his still sore right buttock.
"I'm a very patient woman Jon. There will be no begging, no gnashing of teeth, no extra special sexual favours on my part. The idea of a present is gone from my memory."
"Right, like I believe that. You still flew across the pond for me." Jon reminded her with a salacious grin.
"Actually, I came for your daughter's peace of mind."
"Keep telling yourself that Jen and maybe even you can believe it."
"Blimey, your ego is so inflated, it's ridiculous. I bet they could tie several strings to you and float you in the Macy's parade!" And they call me a diva?" she scoffed, thoroughly enjoying giving Jon a hard time.
"I'm sending that gift back!"
"Would you like me to address the envelope for you?" Jen enquired with a straight face.
"You are ......."
"Sexy, beautiful, captivating, intelligent...."
"...utterly impossible!"
"You've noticed that have you?" she asked with a smirk.
"You need to be taught a lesson." Jon snarled.
"On what? Respecting the elderly perhaps?"
Her smile was sweet while the flash in her eyes varied between wicked and devilish. She seized upon his momentary stunned state and scrambled out of the bed and to the door before Jon could touch her. He reset his jaw and spun around ready to toss her over his shoulder and bring her to the other hotel room but he was too late. He heard her laughter floating in from the living room and found her sitting beside a still grinning Stephanie.
"Are we leaving soon Dad?"
"In a few minutes. Chantal do you mind if I make a stop on the way?"
"For what reason? If it's for chocolate toffees I'm all for it."
"I just wanted to dump your mother in the Hudson River. She's smart and a good swimmer, I'm sure she could eventually make her way to British shores."
Jeannette rolled her eyes and muttered "Simpleton" just loud enough for the girls to hear. The two of them started laughing again.
"Sorry Dad, the only water Jen will be seeing is in our pool, with a bathing suit on." Stephanie said with a grin.
Jon was annoyed at being ganged up on, yet thrilled that Stephanie adored Jen and Chantal so much. He knew she wouldn't resent him for falling for Jen.
"Sweetie, I don't know how long a drive we are facing. You best pay a visit to the loo."
"Yes Mummy."
Jon took Chantal and Jeannette's luggage down through the back entrance and loaded his SUV. He pulled down his baseball cap and wiped his sunglasses before returning them to his eyes. He pulled around front just as Chantal and Stephanie came dashing out. He honked once and Stephanie grabbed her younger friend's hand and helped her in the car. Jen sauntered out of the hotel and Stephanie waved at her, wishing her gait was as elegant and graceful as Jen.
"Thanks Sweetie, why don't you get in the front with your Dad. I'll sit with Chantal."
Stephanie opened the front door and Jon glared at her. "In the back, monkey."
"I told her to sit up there." Jen replied.
"Your legs are much longer and..."
"Jon, I've made up my mind and I'm sitting beside my daughter."
Stephanie bit her lower lip, the only person she'd ever heard stand up to and out right ignore her Dad's wishes was her own Mom. She was liking Jen more and more with each passing minute and thought that she was excellent stepmother material.
"I assume you have enough rooms for Chantal and I?"
Stephanie looked at her dad and smiled, knowing only Chantal really needed a room and she had an idea for Chantal.
"We certainly do, it is a mansion Jen. I wondered if you'd like to share my room though Chantal. I have a nice big queen bed and as you know I don't kick or snore."
"Actually, you do snore but not very loudly. I'd like that, another sleep over."
"There is a couch in the basement for you Miss Pierce." Jon grumbled.
"Perfect" Jen replied flashing him a large grin.
Jon muttered under his breath causing Stephanie to giggle. He reached over and slapped her knee which only made her laugh more.
"Do you drive Jen?" she asked.
"Yes, I have a BMW and a Mini Cooper. I use to drive a Bentley but it took up too much room when I was doing a show so it's at the manor house now."
"How many rooms in the manor?"
"When I purchased the manor there were ten bedrooms. After my renovations there are five."
"Wow, did you double every room?"
"No, I knocked a wall down to give Chantal one large room and one room became her puppet room. I created a private dinning room, a study/office and a wardrobe room for myself plus my bedroom which leaves 3 guest rooms."
"What about in London?" Jon asked forgetting he wasn't talking to her.
"I live in Belgravia, I'm one of only a few people who actually own, not rent the land my
townhouse is on. The area and most of Mayfair are almost entirely owned by the Duke of Westminster. He was a great admirer of mine and when he heard I was asking to lease a plot of his land he actually sold it to me. There are five bedrooms again but only two are guest rooms."
"There's Miss Mandy's room downstairs too." Chantal added.
"Mandy is Chantal's former nanny and my best friend." Jen supplied.
"Miss Mandy isn't going to be my nanny anymore?" Chantal asked with big eyes.
"No Darling, I'm staying home full time now. I'm completely taking back my mothering duties."
"I don't want her to leave though Mummy."
"I am not asking her to move out Chantal, but she may want to at some point. I quit the theatre to spend more time with you pumpkin."
"You quit the theatre? Mom and I saw you play Lola and before that we saw your charity performance in Les Miz. You are incredibly gifted Jeannette. You'll never act again?"
"Thank you Stephanie. I never say never, but I have no intention of taking on a role for the next fourteen years or so. When Chantal is much older I might think about doing some more directing and once she's settled in school I might take on a few acting students again."
"Mummy taught Rob and Harry Potter, well his name is Daniel Radcliff."
"No way! Tell me about that!" Stephanie asked.
"I'd seen Rob in a play from the Barnes Theatre and I thought he had a lot of potential but he was very undisciplined. I asked to see him after the show and almost gave the dear boy heart failure."
"Your cleavage do him in?" Jon chuckled.
"That and the fact that he couldn't believe that I wanted to talk to him. He was 16 at the time and admitted he started acting for the girls. I told him that I'd be happy to give him some free coaching when I had breaks. He was chosen for a part in one of the Harry Potter movies and once filming was done, he auditioned for my production of Midsummer. He wasn't right for any of the roles but he stayed on as my assistant to learn."
"I liked Rob so much. He is cute and goofy and he gave me my first real kiss." Chantal chirped.
"He what?" Jen shrieked.
Chantal giggled, "I asked him how you avoid breaking each others noses when you kiss. He told me there were six ways he knew of. I bugged him for two straight weeks before I wore him down and he kissed me to get me to shut up. Then I got the other 5 ways to kiss from him."
"Great, my three year old was going around kissing a nineteen year old! Mr. Pattison is in big trouble next time I get my hands on him. Anyway, Rob had done the Potter movie with Daniel and...."
"Hold on, Pattison? Are you talking about Robert Pattison who played Cedric Diggory?"
"Yes, that's the Rob I mean. Do you know him?"
"Oh My God, Oh My God! He is playing Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie!!!" Stephanie screamed.
"That must have been the American movie he was telling us about at Christmas Mummy. He'd just been cast and most of the fans weren't happy."
"Most of them have changed their minds since they saw publicity stills and the trailer. The movie opens December 12th and it's based on the best series of books to ever be written. Everyone I know is dying to see the movie. He is soooo cute and dreamy."
"Correction, every thirteen to sixteen year old girl she knows wants to see the movie. I sure as heck don't." Jon laughed. "It's based on the vampire books that this one is obsessed with."
"I'm not obsessed Dad, I just live, breathe and eat the books. I love the fictious characters. The final book is coming out August 2nd, in 17 days and I can't wait."
"I'm sure I can get Rob to sign a copy of the book for you and I'll make sure you get an invite to the film's premier."
"I love you Jen. Would you like my first born?"
Jeannette couldn't help laughing and rolled her eyes at Jon who rolled his back. "I don't need your first born dear. I have my own and I rather just have a hug."
"You are getting my undying love and devotion as a bonus."
"Jon, are all your kids this easy to buy?" Jen kidded.
"Jesse is a boob man like Dad, so he'll like you. Jake loves knights and castle stuff and Romeo well he only seems to like Mom, Dad and occasionally Jess so he won't like you." Stephanie answered.
"I should warn you both about Romeo, he's a year younger than you Chantal but he hates girls at the moment. He'll only really listens to Dot and I can scare him in to behaving just with my deeper voice."
"Ah so you are talking to me now."
"Yes but no gift for you."
"Hey I have your daughter's undying love and devotion, what else could a girl want?"
"This is going to be so much fun." Stephanie laughed as her Dad groaned and Jen and Chantal joined her with a chuckle.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty."
"Morning my love. What time is it?"
"9:30. I ordered breakfast, it should be here in a few minutes."
"Have you been awake long?"
"A few hours, my body is still on the proper time."
"I'm still not sure that this isn't all a dream."
Jeannette chuckled and pinched his right nipple.
"This is not a dream, I am naked and on top of you."
"Hmm why don't you go for a ride then, facing me so I can enjoy the view."
"My ride looks a little soft to support me."
"You know perfectly well how to fix that." Jon growled.
Jeannette smirked at him and slid down his body, pulling him into her warm mouth and driving him crazy. Once she had him hard and twitching, she lowered herself on him and began riding him, rotating her hips, leaning forward and back until she found the perfect spot to pleasure herself and started riding him in earnest. She loved being able to watch the powerful effect she had on him, his clear blue eyes turning smoky with lust and desire. The way he looked at her made her feel so special and she had to stop herself from thinking about hiding out in the Hampton's with him. They were both close to orgasm when there was a knock at the door for room service. She'd instructed them to just leave the cart so she kept going until they both felt sweet release. She kissed Jon on the tip of his nose, climbed off him and went to the door.
Before Jon could protest that she was opening the door naked the door was closed again and she was pushing the cart to the bed. Jon reached for the pot of coffee and poured himself a cup full while she poured orange juice for herself. She'd ordered waffles with melted chocolate and strawberries with a whip cream topping, scrambled eggs, toasted English muffins, bacon and sausages. Jen dipped her finger in the whip cream and ran it along his lower lip. His tongue slid out and licked it up before she could kiss it away.
"Mmm you going to feed me?"
"No, I intended to kiss that off." she replied and stuck her fork in the waffle.
"Sorry, want to try again?"
"Nope, you ruined it." Jen chuckled.
"Evil wench."
"What was that? You want me on the first plane home?"
"No, if I had my way you'd never leave my side ever again."
"I don't like being called names."
"Sorry, I'll try to remember that."
"Oh and while I'm picking on you, your swearing drives me absolutely crazy. It's a really poor example to set for children and it makes you sound very uneducated and common."
"Common? The British snob in you is coming out again."
"I'll never apologize for being well bread or insisting Chantal be well bread."
"Can I taste the waffle?" Jon asked changing the subject.
"Sure, help yourself."
After a relatively quite breakfast Jon, suggested that since she flew across an ocean to see him, he owed her an hour of kissing and Jeannette agreed completely. An hour and a half later, they were both dressed and on their way down the hall to check on the girls. They found a note on the table saying they went across the street, underneath FAO to have lunch and would be back by one. Jon smiled and quickly pulled the zipper down on Jen's dress, picking her up and tossing her on the still unmade bed.
"Your breasts are jealous of your lips." he whispers as he sucks one hardened peak into his mouth.
Jon drove her insane, paying attention to just her breasts and ignoring her pleas to fuck her senseless. He had her writhing underneath him, her eyes so clouded by lust he couldn't tell what colour they were. He heard the door open first and sprung up off Jeannette leaving the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Chantal saw him and ran straight in to his arms. Jon smiled at his daughter over Chantal's shoulder and mouthed I love you to her.
"Where's Mummy?" Chantal asked as she pulled Jon to the couch to show him her new puppets.
"She's changing. Thank you so much, my little manipulator." Jon grinned and pulled his daughter in to his arms for a hug and kiss.
"You were so sad Dad, I couldn't stand it. I like Jen and Chantal is a hoot!"
"I'm not an owl." Chantal protested and was met with laughter.
Chantal excused herself and ran to the bathroom. Jon sat down on the couch and motioned to his
daughter. His heart melted when she sat down in his lap, throwing her arms around his neck and resting her head on his chest.
"Jen is your Bella, isn't she?" she asked softly.
It took Jon a few minutes to figure out that she was talking about a character from a series of books she was devoted to. "I haven't read the books so I can't really say."
"If I gave you a short list of maybe ten pages I wanted you to read would you?"
"Right now?"
"No, the book is at home on my desk, but when we get home..............."
"Yes, I owe you at least that for bringing her to me."
"It's freaky how much Chantal looks like you."
"I know, I had to remind myself that I only kissed Jeannette once and fled."
"Fled? Where? When?"
"A little over six years ago, in Fiji. I went to a small bar just past the resort we were all staying at and she walked in and blew my mind. We talked briefly, a few words maybe and found ourselves being drawn together and we kissed. It was a long passionate kiss, I realized that if I didn't stop it, I'd hurt your Mom, you guys and her so I ran out of the bar. I ran all the way back to the room where you were sleeping peacefully beside your Mom."
"Wow, I know that you haven't always been shall we say faithful to Mom but..."
"I wish you didn't know that but yeah I've been a shit. At the time I had been very faithful to your Mom, had been since I found out she was carrying you baby, but Jen was the first serious temptation. I think how much I wanted her scared me and reminded me I had no right."
(Yeah she's your Bella, Dad, but you aren't her Edward, not yet anyway.) "So what's the plan for today?"
Stephanie's head was swimming thinking about Jon being so tempted by her that he fled. She saw it as Edward trying to resist Bella's singing blood when he first met her. How Jen was obviously his weakness and he couldn't live without her just as Edward couldn't bare to be without Bella. She knew that if she mentioned this to her father, he would tell her to stop reading those vampire books as he called them. Stephanie and her friends could recite almost every line of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of books by heart. They'd spent countless hours arguing over who loved Bella more Edward or Jacob, imagining what they would do if they were Bella and so on. She had been too young to get caught up in the initial Harry Potter mania but not the Twilight revolution. She'd already ordered the fourth and final book in the series and had a countdown to it's release date going on her phone. She looked at the large 17 on her phone and smiled. She planned on staying up all night to read it.
"So what do you think?" Jon asked.
"Think about what?" she replied.
"The plans for today, you asked me what we were doing and I told you."
"Oh yeah fine. I thought you were asking me what I thought about Jen." Stephanie lied.
"She adores me of course." Jeannette laughed as she walked in to the room in a pair of light beige pants and a pale green V neck T shirt that clung to her curves.
"I certainly adore you." Jon confessed.
"Mummy, come look at the picture Stephanie drew and I coloured."
Chantal thrust a white page with a picture of a flower strewn meadow drawn on it in her mother's face.
"Manners Chantal." Jeannette muttered giving her daughter a pointed look.
"Sorry, Mummy."
"You drew this? I'm very impressed Stephanie. Chantal you coloured it so neatly too."
"It is for you Mummy."
"Why thank you so very much. You both need to sign this masterpiece so I can frame it."
"It's not frame worthy." Stephanie argued.
"It most certainly is. Did you see this Jon?"
"No, Steph stopped drawing me things years ago." Jon looked at and was surprised how complicated the drawing was. "This is wonderful Baby, where did you get the idea for a meadow?"
(You don't want to know dad, it's a Bella and Edward thing) "It just came to me."
"I was just telling Steph that I had a quick errand to run then we could go to the house, get you
settled and order a pizza or something for dinner."
"Order? Don't you have a cook Jon?"
"Then I'll make dinner. Pizza is not a proper meal for growing children."
"Our fridge is pretty bare Jen." Stephanie stated.
"Then I shall inspect it with your pantry and make a list for your father."
Jon rolled his eyes, the last thing he wanted to do on his first day off was going to buy groceries but he knew this was an argument he'd loose so he said nothing. He ignored the sensory memory of his favourite pizza that was trying to convince him to fight. He put on his baseball hat and sunglasses, left a kiss on Jen's lips and told her he'd be back in an hour.
"So what are we going to do Mummy?"
"I want some tea, jet lag is starting to catch up with me and I'm afraid I'm in need of a nap."
"You are too young to be acting so old Mummy."
Jen looked at her watch and Stephanie moaned.
"What? I'm not allowed to be tired?"
"No, you are a freak like my Dad, you wear your watch the wrong way."
"Really I never noticed his watch, this is a better way. It requires less movement." Jen
answered looking at the watch face that sat on her pulse point.
"Freak." Stephanie muttered.
"Well I'm going to take my freaky self into the room and pack for Chantal until my tea arrives."
Jon didn't find what he was looking for in Cartier and was about to give up in Tiffany's when a flash of coral caught his eye. He walked over to the counter and found several Elsa Peretti's small heart charms. He bought a white gold, pink gold, amethyst and coral one for her with a twenty inch platinum chain. The sales clerk wrapped it up in the standard Tiffany blue necklace box and slid on a white bow. She was too hung over from all the beer she drank at the Bon Jovi concert to even notice that it was Jon she was serving. He was happy no one recognized him and quickly made his way back to the hotel as he didn't want to press his luck.
When Jon returned he found Stephanie and Chantal hosting a tea party for Winston and the two new plush puppets.
"Where is my beloved?" Jon asked.
"Mummy and jet lag don't get along very well. She's asleep on my bed. She should be normal
again in a few days."
"I don't think Jeannette has ever been normal." he chuckled, "Demanding, hyper even extraordinary but never normal."
"I heard that Bongiovi, get you money maker in here now!" she growled.
"Been nice knowing you Dad." Stephanie giggled.
Jon walked towards the room with an overly dramatic face. Stephanie thought it looked like he was heading to the gallows and started chuckling. A moment or two later, she heard the slap and her Dad's sharp "Ouch." She broke out in laughter, knowing that Jen had either put him over her knee or just reached out and smacked him hard in the ass for teasing her.
He could hear his daughter, his precious first born, killing herself laughing at his punishment and decided she was getting a bus pass instead of a car for her sixteenth.
"You are so not getting the gift I bought you after that. You are going to have to work very hard to gain it back."
"Oh no! How shall I ever go on? How will I sleep with the knowledge that it's gone?" she replied sarcastically, pleased that he had brought her something.
"You are a real piece of work lady." he muttered, rubbing his still sore right buttock.
"I'm a very patient woman Jon. There will be no begging, no gnashing of teeth, no extra special sexual favours on my part. The idea of a present is gone from my memory."
"Right, like I believe that. You still flew across the pond for me." Jon reminded her with a salacious grin.
"Actually, I came for your daughter's peace of mind."
"Keep telling yourself that Jen and maybe even you can believe it."
"Blimey, your ego is so inflated, it's ridiculous. I bet they could tie several strings to you and float you in the Macy's parade!" And they call me a diva?" she scoffed, thoroughly enjoying giving Jon a hard time.
"I'm sending that gift back!"
"Would you like me to address the envelope for you?" Jen enquired with a straight face.
"You are ......."
"Sexy, beautiful, captivating, intelligent...."
"...utterly impossible!"
"You've noticed that have you?" she asked with a smirk.
"You need to be taught a lesson." Jon snarled.
"On what? Respecting the elderly perhaps?"
Her smile was sweet while the flash in her eyes varied between wicked and devilish. She seized upon his momentary stunned state and scrambled out of the bed and to the door before Jon could touch her. He reset his jaw and spun around ready to toss her over his shoulder and bring her to the other hotel room but he was too late. He heard her laughter floating in from the living room and found her sitting beside a still grinning Stephanie.
"Are we leaving soon Dad?"
"In a few minutes. Chantal do you mind if I make a stop on the way?"
"For what reason? If it's for chocolate toffees I'm all for it."
"I just wanted to dump your mother in the Hudson River. She's smart and a good swimmer, I'm sure she could eventually make her way to British shores."
Jeannette rolled her eyes and muttered "Simpleton" just loud enough for the girls to hear. The two of them started laughing again.
"Sorry Dad, the only water Jen will be seeing is in our pool, with a bathing suit on." Stephanie said with a grin.
Jon was annoyed at being ganged up on, yet thrilled that Stephanie adored Jen and Chantal so much. He knew she wouldn't resent him for falling for Jen.
"Sweetie, I don't know how long a drive we are facing. You best pay a visit to the loo."
"Yes Mummy."
Jon took Chantal and Jeannette's luggage down through the back entrance and loaded his SUV. He pulled down his baseball cap and wiped his sunglasses before returning them to his eyes. He pulled around front just as Chantal and Stephanie came dashing out. He honked once and Stephanie grabbed her younger friend's hand and helped her in the car. Jen sauntered out of the hotel and Stephanie waved at her, wishing her gait was as elegant and graceful as Jen.
"Thanks Sweetie, why don't you get in the front with your Dad. I'll sit with Chantal."
Stephanie opened the front door and Jon glared at her. "In the back, monkey."
"I told her to sit up there." Jen replied.
"Your legs are much longer and..."
"Jon, I've made up my mind and I'm sitting beside my daughter."
Stephanie bit her lower lip, the only person she'd ever heard stand up to and out right ignore her Dad's wishes was her own Mom. She was liking Jen more and more with each passing minute and thought that she was excellent stepmother material.
"I assume you have enough rooms for Chantal and I?"
Stephanie looked at her dad and smiled, knowing only Chantal really needed a room and she had an idea for Chantal.
"We certainly do, it is a mansion Jen. I wondered if you'd like to share my room though Chantal. I have a nice big queen bed and as you know I don't kick or snore."
"Actually, you do snore but not very loudly. I'd like that, another sleep over."
"There is a couch in the basement for you Miss Pierce." Jon grumbled.
"Perfect" Jen replied flashing him a large grin.
Jon muttered under his breath causing Stephanie to giggle. He reached over and slapped her knee which only made her laugh more.
"Do you drive Jen?" she asked.
"Yes, I have a BMW and a Mini Cooper. I use to drive a Bentley but it took up too much room when I was doing a show so it's at the manor house now."
"How many rooms in the manor?"
"When I purchased the manor there were ten bedrooms. After my renovations there are five."
"Wow, did you double every room?"
"No, I knocked a wall down to give Chantal one large room and one room became her puppet room. I created a private dinning room, a study/office and a wardrobe room for myself plus my bedroom which leaves 3 guest rooms."
"What about in London?" Jon asked forgetting he wasn't talking to her.
"I live in Belgravia, I'm one of only a few people who actually own, not rent the land my
townhouse is on. The area and most of Mayfair are almost entirely owned by the Duke of Westminster. He was a great admirer of mine and when he heard I was asking to lease a plot of his land he actually sold it to me. There are five bedrooms again but only two are guest rooms."
"There's Miss Mandy's room downstairs too." Chantal added.
"Mandy is Chantal's former nanny and my best friend." Jen supplied.
"Miss Mandy isn't going to be my nanny anymore?" Chantal asked with big eyes.
"No Darling, I'm staying home full time now. I'm completely taking back my mothering duties."
"I don't want her to leave though Mummy."
"I am not asking her to move out Chantal, but she may want to at some point. I quit the theatre to spend more time with you pumpkin."
"You quit the theatre? Mom and I saw you play Lola and before that we saw your charity performance in Les Miz. You are incredibly gifted Jeannette. You'll never act again?"
"Thank you Stephanie. I never say never, but I have no intention of taking on a role for the next fourteen years or so. When Chantal is much older I might think about doing some more directing and once she's settled in school I might take on a few acting students again."
"Mummy taught Rob and Harry Potter, well his name is Daniel Radcliff."
"No way! Tell me about that!" Stephanie asked.
"I'd seen Rob in a play from the Barnes Theatre and I thought he had a lot of potential but he was very undisciplined. I asked to see him after the show and almost gave the dear boy heart failure."
"Your cleavage do him in?" Jon chuckled.
"That and the fact that he couldn't believe that I wanted to talk to him. He was 16 at the time and admitted he started acting for the girls. I told him that I'd be happy to give him some free coaching when I had breaks. He was chosen for a part in one of the Harry Potter movies and once filming was done, he auditioned for my production of Midsummer. He wasn't right for any of the roles but he stayed on as my assistant to learn."
"I liked Rob so much. He is cute and goofy and he gave me my first real kiss." Chantal chirped.
"He what?" Jen shrieked.
Chantal giggled, "I asked him how you avoid breaking each others noses when you kiss. He told me there were six ways he knew of. I bugged him for two straight weeks before I wore him down and he kissed me to get me to shut up. Then I got the other 5 ways to kiss from him."
"Great, my three year old was going around kissing a nineteen year old! Mr. Pattison is in big trouble next time I get my hands on him. Anyway, Rob had done the Potter movie with Daniel and...."
"Hold on, Pattison? Are you talking about Robert Pattison who played Cedric Diggory?"
"Yes, that's the Rob I mean. Do you know him?"
"Oh My God, Oh My God! He is playing Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie!!!" Stephanie screamed.
"That must have been the American movie he was telling us about at Christmas Mummy. He'd just been cast and most of the fans weren't happy."
"Most of them have changed their minds since they saw publicity stills and the trailer. The movie opens December 12th and it's based on the best series of books to ever be written. Everyone I know is dying to see the movie. He is soooo cute and dreamy."
"Correction, every thirteen to sixteen year old girl she knows wants to see the movie. I sure as heck don't." Jon laughed. "It's based on the vampire books that this one is obsessed with."
"I'm not obsessed Dad, I just live, breathe and eat the books. I love the fictious characters. The final book is coming out August 2nd, in 17 days and I can't wait."
"I'm sure I can get Rob to sign a copy of the book for you and I'll make sure you get an invite to the film's premier."
"I love you Jen. Would you like my first born?"
Jeannette couldn't help laughing and rolled her eyes at Jon who rolled his back. "I don't need your first born dear. I have my own and I rather just have a hug."
"You are getting my undying love and devotion as a bonus."
"Jon, are all your kids this easy to buy?" Jen kidded.
"Jesse is a boob man like Dad, so he'll like you. Jake loves knights and castle stuff and Romeo well he only seems to like Mom, Dad and occasionally Jess so he won't like you." Stephanie answered.
"I should warn you both about Romeo, he's a year younger than you Chantal but he hates girls at the moment. He'll only really listens to Dot and I can scare him in to behaving just with my deeper voice."
"Ah so you are talking to me now."
"Yes but no gift for you."
"Hey I have your daughter's undying love and devotion, what else could a girl want?"
"This is going to be so much fun." Stephanie laughed as her Dad groaned and Jen and Chantal joined her with a chuckle.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Just One Kiss Chapter 7
Jon looked tired when Ritchie saw him at the hotel. It was a little after two but it still felt like seven to Jon who wanted dinner not a late lunch. He'd slept most of the transatlantic flight away as he didn't want to sleep when he was in bed with Jeannette. He had a steak, salad and baked potato while the rest of the guys were having various types of wraps. Dave noticed how quiet Jon was and figured it was just jet lag and saving his voice after spending seven hour in recycled air. After a brief sound check, Jon went back to the trailer serving as his dressing room and called Jeannette to tell her he arrived and wish her sweet dreams. He got the answering machine as she had gone to bed after tucking Chantal in.
"Hi it's Jon, just wanted to tell you I made it to Sarnia in one piece and I miss you already. Give Chantal a hug for me and tell Winston I say hi. I'll try you tomorrow."
The bugs drove the guys nuts during a rather short performance and Richie noticed Jon's voice sounded a little rough. The sound system was horrible and the guys were expecting Jon to hit the roof but Jon didn't say a word once he walked off the stage. He headed straight to the trailer, swallowed a sleeping pill, took a shower, changed and headed to the bus that would make the two hour trip to the hotel in Auburn Hills for the concert the next night. Jon stretched out of one of the couches and was asleep before the rest of the guys boarded the bus.
Tico lost the rock, paper scissors game and was in charge of waking Jon up once they reached the hotel in the wee hours of the morning. Jon mumbled a few obscenities and took the card key off Obie and tried to walk to the elevator and remain half asleep.
"Bro, do you remember your room number?" Richie asked as Jon slumped against the back of the elevator.
"Fuck off."
"I'll take that as a no. 1210, Asshole." Richie chuckled.
Richie was just closing his door when he heard Jon swearing. He opened the door a bit more and stepped out in to the hall.
"Fucking door, won't fucking open, Stupid fucking card keys!"
"Stupid Jon at the wrong fucking door." Richie sighed turning Jon around and pushing him to the other side of the hall.
He waited until the door opened and started snickering.
"Not one fucking word Sambora!" Jon growled and slammed the door.
Richie shook his head and went back to his room with a huge grin on his face. Jon pulled his boots off, yanked the comforter off the bed and laid right down. He turned a few times and then drifted back to sleep.
Jon had been playing phone tag with Jeannette for a couple of days and without thinking called her right after he got off stage after the first Boston performance. The phone rang several times before it was finally picked up.
"Unless the world is ending I will kill you with my bare hands for calling at this hour." Jeannette hissed into the phone.
"Oh fuck Jen, I forgot about the time difference. What time is it?"
She couldn't help smiling when she realized who was calling. "4:15 in the morning, idiot."
"Sorry, I miss you so much."
"I miss you too, how's the tour going?"
"Well, but I'm miserable without you."
"Chantal has a birthday party on Friday so we are heading home tomorrow afternoon."
"For how long?"
"I don't know a week or so and then I'm thinking of taking her to Monaco. What about you, taking the kids to the Hampton's?"
"I want a week at home then we'll probably head up there. You aren't very talkative."
"Jon, it's 4:17, I'm tired and half asleep."
"Well I'll let you go then, sweet dreams my sweet."
"Night Jon, please remember the time difference next time."
"I'll try."
Jeannette put the phone down and rolled over. She was cursing him an hour later when she was still awake. She woke up again at nine and laid in bed until 10:15 when she picked up her phone book and looked up Jon's cell number. She dialled the number and it rang several times before it was finally picked up.
"What the fuck?" Jon growled.
"Oh fuck Jon, I forgot about the time difference. What time is it?" she asked in a sugar sweet voice.
"You are evil Jen."
"Hey it took me almost two hours to get back to sleep so turn about is fair play. Guess I need to be punished then." she purred.
"I'm awake now Baby, how about some phone sex?"
"Sorry, Chantal is waiting for me. Sweet dreams my sweet." she chuckled and hung up the
"Evil beautiful bitch. God I miss her." Jon said to the air, slid his phone under the pillow and went back to sleep.
Dave watched Jon down another cup of coffee and noticed how quiet he had been since he got back from England. He was distant and moody during the day only turning on his legendary charm and showmanship on stage. The second the final encore was done it was back to the dreary Jon. Stephanie and Jesse had flown in to see the second Boston show then go home with their Dad. Jon was trying to appear normal but 28 years of friendship told him it was all just an act. He had tried talking to him the other night but Jon dismissed him claiming he was tired.
Stephanie knew something was troubling her father. His eyes lit up when he first saw his two eldest children but since then they were a cold steel blue with none of the usual sparkle to them. He was using his fake smile when he did smile and he seemed a million miles away to her. Jon had to take a call from Philadelphia and Stephanie slid in to the seat next to her Uncle Richie.
"What's wrong with my Dad, Richie? Oh God, has he seen a doctor lately?"
Richie gave his Goddaughter a hug. "It's nothing medical Sweetheart. Your Dad is sick though, it's called love sickness. I was teasing him about it being only lust but judging by how he's acted since he left her....he's in love with her."
"Who is her? Where did he meet her and is that why he stayed in London?"
"Her name is Jeannette Pierce, he apparently met her briefly years ago and ran in to her again in London. Yes that is why he stayed."
"The name sounds vaguely familiar. I've heard it before."
"Dot use to take you to Broadway shows right?"
"Yes, she still does. We are looking forward to seeing 9 to 5 in the fall."
"Then that's how you know her, she's a big musical star with countless awards."
"Hmm I wonder what I've seen her in? So Dad is in love with her?"
"Yes and missing her something fierce. He asked her to come back with him but she has a five
year old daughter she didn't want to leave and there is a press problem."
"Press problem?"
"Yes, she looks like your Dad. One look at Jeannette and Jon with Chantal and well even I thought she was his until he set me straight."
"Steph she looks more like Jon than the four of you."
"Holy cow!"
"Yeah can you imagine how much fun the tabloids would have with that?"
"Richie, Dad is miserable he needs to be with her. What if we kept Chantal away from being seen
with them both? I'd watch Chantal while dad was with her."
"I could try asking her. I'd need you to get Jon's cell phone off him so I can get the number."
"Give me ten minutes." Stephanie chuckled and headed back to her Dad.
Fifteen minutes later, Stephanie handed Richie her dad's cell phone and Richie entered the two numbers Jon had into his phone book. Stephanie returned the phone back to her dad and hoped Richie could work his magic.
"Amberley Manor may I help you?" Betty asked.
"Hi is Jeannette there please?"
"I'm sorry but she is not in residence."
"Thank you."
Richie tried the number marked cell and the phone was finally picked up.
"Is Jeannette there please."
"One Moment, Jen the phone is for you."
"Hi Jeannette, you probably don't remember me but I'm a friend of Jon's. My name is Richie..."
"I know who you are Mr. Sambora, what can I do for you?"
"You both can get on a plane and come to New York. Jon has been absolutely miserable without you and very withdrawn. His daughter is concerned and asked me if I could get you down here. Stephanie has offered to watch Chantal so the press doesn't see the three of you together. I was hoping we could surprise the hell out of Jon at our final concert in Madison Square Gardens. He told me that you sing Thank You better then he does, so I thought maybe you could walk out and force him into a duet. I'd book two rooms for you at the Plaza. Stephanie would watch Chantal while you were at the venue and stay all night and you and Jon could reconnect in the other room after the concert."
"I don't know Richie, can I think about it for a week or so?"
"The concert is in five days, the last show is July 15th."
"Bloody hell, you don't give a lady much time."
"Sorry but I can assure you that there is never any press at Jon's estate. Can you give me a call back in a few hours so I can make arrangements?"
"Fine, give me a few hours to think this over. What number can I reach you at?"
Richie gave her his cell phone number and caught Stephanie's eye giving her crossed fingers and thumbs up sign which made her smile. She asked for her Dad's phone again and thought she could get a yes from Jeannette. She dialled Amberley Manor first then tried the second number. This time Jeannette answered.
"Hi Miss Pierce, this is Stephanie Bongiovi calling. I know my Uncle Rich gave you a call but I thought maybe if we chatted you'd be more comfortable with the idea of me watching Chantal. I'm fifteen and very responsible. My Mom leaves me in charge of my brothers when she needs to go out. I can handle a four year old boy no problem so Chantal will be a pleasure. I really like kids and I want to be a teacher when I get older. Miss Pierce, the sparkle is gone in my Dad's eyes and only you can put it back. Please come down to visit."
"Stephanie, this isn't fair, you are as utterly charming as your father. I'll make my flight arrangements and then call Richie to let him know."
"Thank you so much Miss Pierce."
"You are welcome my little manipulator."
Stephanie laughed and hung up flashing Richie a huge grin.
Jeannette finally found the British Airways flight she wanted in first class that left Heathrow Airport at 08:55 and arrived at JFK at 11:20, eight hours before the concert began. Richie assured her that someone would be waiting for the Pearson's as soon as they cleared customs. Chantal was very excited about the trip and kept asking her Mom questions about Stephanie that she had no answers for. Richie told Jen that Stephanie's payment for baby-sitting services was bizarre and that he'd handle it since he knew exactly what she wanted.
By the time the limo pulled up to the front of the Plaza Hotel, Jeannette was ready for a nap and Chantal was ready to run around the city. She knew FAO Schwarz was across the street from the Plaza and was staring at it as soon as she got out of the car. Jeannette knew what her daughter was thinking and sighed.
"Sweetie, I need a nap and you need to have a break too. I'm sure Stephanie would be happy to bring you across the street when she arrives. Let me check in. Please go get your luggage from the driver."
Jeannette checked in and called Richie from the hotel phone to let him know she had arrived. He told her that Stephanie would be there at five and she'd bring an all access pass with her. The concert was scheduled to begin at 7:30 and Bon Jovi was expected to be on stage by 8:30. Richie asked her to be at the artists entrance at 8:30 and as soon as they were on stage they'd let her in to the backstage area.
She ordered lunch for them both and as soon as it was delivered she went for a nap giving Chantal strict instructions to not leave the room. She woke up at 4:50 and found Chantal sitting in the living area watching TV with a pitcher of chocolate milk in front of her. Jeannette started eating half of the now cold club sandwich and ordered a pot of spearmint tea to be brought up immediately. The tea and Stephanie both arrived at the same time.
Stephanie looked at the tall blonde woman and could see why her father fell for her. Her long blond hair was pulled up into a neat bun and her green eyes shone like emeralds. Her large breasts were poured into a tight sage green top and her waist looked tiny in a white knee length skirt. Big breasts and long legs, she thought knowing her father's weakness for them. That is no groupie she thought, wondering how a woman who exuded class fell for her occasionally crass, potty mouthed dad.
"Hi Miss Pierce."
"Call me Jen, Stephanie. So it's Stephanie Manipulator Bongiovi?"
Stephanie laughed, "It's actually Rose, but I guess I learned a few things about getting my own way from dear old dad."
"Well my daughter, who would be hooked up to a chocolate milk IV if I let her, is incredibly happy to meet you. Get ready for a game of two hundred questions."
"Hi Stephanie, would you like some chocolate milk?"
"No thanks Chantal, I'm addicted to another drink."
"Addicted?" Jen asked with a grin.
"You mean Uncle Richie didn't tell you what I charged for baby sitting?"
"He just said you were a freak and he'd take care of it."
"I only drink Crystal Light Pink Lemonade, so I wanted a pitcher and two boxes of the mix."
"I'm rather fond of lemonade myself but I couldn't live without tea."
"I'll let you taste it when I make it. Do I need any instructions?"
"Chantal wanted to go across the street to FAO, I told her you might be willing to take her. She has to be in bed, lights out by ten and she is not allowed to cross a street without holding your hand."
"Those are easy enough rules to follow and I'm sure Chantal won't give me any problems, right?"
"No problems at all Stephanie. Mummy can we give her the gift now?"
"Yes, it's sitting on the night stand. Oh yes just in case something happens, my room is 1520, the
last suite on this side of the hall."
"Don't worry, massive blood loss would be the only reason I'd disturb you and my Dad." she replied memorizing the room number anyway.
Chantal came out with a thin box wrapped in floral paper and handed it to Stephanie. The box held a silver charm bracelet with a lipstick, high heels, a red London double decker bus, a purse and a tiny hand held mirror on it.
"Oh wow, this is great, I love them all but the lipstick is the best. Thank you so much."
"You are welcome. When did you see your Dad last?"
"A few hours ago, he brought me into the city when he came over. He thinks I'm at a sleep over at a friends house. I hung out with her and her parents then they dropped me off at the hotel door."
Stephanie had walked in with a pair of sandals on but she had kicked them off rather quickly which made Jeannette smile. She went back to her sandwich and asked if Stephanie wanted anything. Stephanie made her lemonade and gave her a glass. Jen liked it and made a mental note to stock up on it before they went back home. Half an hour later, the girls left for the toy store and promised they'd be back in an hour and a half. Jeannette asked for a wake up call and went back to lay down and rest.
Jen didn't need the wake up call as she heard Chantal giggling as the girls got back to the room. She got out of bed and found Chantal had a large bag in front of her from the toy store and a large lolly in her mouth.
"Miss Muffet, I don't recall giving you any money."
"Stephanie bought them for me. I got two more actors for my company."
Chantal pulled out a plush grey elephant puppet and a beige and white kangaroo with a joey in it's pouch. She also handed her mom a small bag of liquorice all-sorts, one of Jeannette's favourite candies.
"Thank you Stephanie. How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, dad pays my credit card bill and I'm sure he'd be happy to pay for what we got. You can ask him later if you don't believe me."
"A credit card at fifteen and your father questioned my parenting skills." she scoffed.
Stephanie looked down at her feet and said nothing. Chantal told her mother what had changed in the store since last time they were in New York until it was time for Jen to get dressed. Jeannette came out half an hour later in a body hugging deep purple satin dress that showed a lot of cleavage without looking slutty and came to just above her knee. She had a pair of very high heels of almost the same colour on and a gorgeous amethyst and diamond set of earrings and bracelet.
"Wow, you look gorgeous Jen, my Dad will be drooling but what are you wearing on stage?"
"This is what I'm wearing."
"Oh." (You are way too dressed up for a concert.)
"I've got to leave. Chantal be good or else."
"Yes Mummy." Chantal got up and kissed her mother goodnight and gave her a hug.
"Stephanie, if you get hungry later just call room service, thank you again."
"You're welcome again. Have fun freaking my dad out. He hates being surprised but he'll love seeing you."
Jeannette made it inside Madison Square Gardens with no problem and found it rather boring sitting behind the scenes. She made herself a cup of tea and asked if there was anywhere she could watch the show from. She was brought over to the lighting control booth and picked up the concert at 'Whole Lot of Leaving'. Jen knew that if Jon stayed with the set list, 'Keep the Faith' would be the last song before a wardrobe change and Richie's solo. Jon would appear in the crowd to sing and he'd get through the first verse of 'Make a Memory' before a spot light would hit her on a set of stairs and she'd join in vocally, signing and walking until she reached his mini stage. As Richie started singing, a technician brought over an ear piece and a microphone to her and helped her get into the section and out of view before Jon was on the floor. She was in place when she heard a voice talking in her ear. She hadn't been paying attention and it wasn't repeated.
The crowd roared when Jon appeared on the small stage and he started singing. Jeannette was thrown for a loop when the crowd started singing with him. She was use to being the only voice heard and respectful silence. She wondered if Jon would even hear her over the crowd. Before she knew it the spotlight was on her and she started singing.
Look at this old photograph
Look at all that hair we had...
Jon had his eyes closed so he didn't notice the spotlight but he heard her lilting voice on photograph and thought he was dreaming. His eyes sprung open and he looked around until he saw her, a vision in purple heading his way. His looked over to Richie who was standing on stage, a huge grin on his face, his hand over his forehead watching Jeannette make her way to the small stage. He pointed at Richie, shook his head and then focused on Jen. He kept singing but stepped back from the microphone so her voice could really be heard. Her softer voice floated throughout the arena and Jon felt like jumping down, throwing her in his arms and bringing her to him. Her slow sexy walk and coy smile were driving him insane and making his blood boil. When she was finally in front of him, the crowd parted and he stopped playing giving her his hand and helping her on stage. He swatted her rear end and went back to playing. When the music faded away he was suppose to go straight to 'Blood' but he turned around and pulled her into his arms giving her a long hug.
"I can't believe......, you have no precious Jen."
"Hello to you too." Jen whispered back and reluctantly withdrew from the hug, knowing she'd
get one hell of a kiss from him in private.
"Ladies and gentleman, the magnificent Jeannette Pierce. I always thought the guys and I did an decent job with this next song until I heard Jen sing it as a lullaby to her daughter. Compared to her, we sound like crap. Jen will you sing it for us?"
"Jon, I was surprising you with one duet, not turning this into......"
"Please, pretty please with a cherry on top." Jon chided, his most charming grin in full action.
"I'll get you my pretty and your shaggy haired accomplice." she sighed giving Richie a look that gave him the chills.
Jeannette started singing 'Thank You For Loving Me' accompanied by Dave on the piano. Jon stood back, his arms across his chest and just listened to her, he had no intention of joining her this time and just listened to her angelic and powerful voice soar. The crowd had started singing with her but quickly stopped and Jon knew they were as mesmerized by her voice as he had been the first time.
"Thanks for the help." she stated, slapping him upside the head when she was done. "Now get back to work, slacker."
With that she gave his ass a playful slap and made her way off stage. Ten minutes later she had made it through he maze of corridors and waited for him in the dressing room. She kicked off her heels and sat with her legs underneath her, eyes closed waiting to hear the door open and to feel his soft lips pressing hard into her.(Damn him, I can't wait to be in his arms again.)
She was seconds away from dozing off when she heard the noise from the hall and waited with breathless anticipation to feel his skin against hers. Jen didn't have to wait long as Jon cupped her face with both hands and gently kissed her eyelids, her forehead and nose before sliding his tongue across her lips. Their tongues met in a fiery tango and Jon kissed her hard, his fingers in her hair holding her against his lips. He continued kissing her, needing to taste her more than he needed to breathe until he started turning blue and had to pull away.
"I didn't need mouth to mouth but it looks like you might right now." she chuckled.
"I still can't believe I'm not dreaming. You are actually here."
"In the flesh, I like you in blue even better than the red. I could go swimming in your eyes."
"You have no idea how miserable I was without you Jen."
"That's why I'm here, your daughter was very concerned about the shell of a man who was trying to be her father."
"Steph called you?"
"Yes, she's watching Chantal right now. I've dubbed her my little manipulator."
"The shaggy hair accomplice must have been Rich."
"Yes, he made all the hotel arrangements and the initial call. Your daughter sealed the deal."
"She is getting a car for her sixteenth." Jon laughed kissing her again.
"Which reminds me, you critique my parenting skills and you give a 15 year old a credit card? Are you insane?"
"She's very responsible and never goes insane. I can afford it so why not."
"Why not? She is 15 and should be working for an allowance, saving her money up to buy things."
"We are not going to talk about parenting styles tonight my love. Let me take a shower and then we can get out of here."
Jon left the bathroom door open and talked to her while he quickly took a shower. He walked out with just a towel wrapped around his waist pushing her back against the wall and kissing her hard as his hands roamed her body. His hand slid up underneath her dress and ran along her slit.
"I see I'm going to have to punish you, you naughty little diva."
"I've been looking forward to my punishment since I got dressed." she purred as Jon slid the zipper down leaving her naked before him.
He ordered her to bend over the couch as he locked the door and thrust straight into her. Her hips bucked and she pushed back against him with each stroke. She hated how much she craved each stroke, how it made her wish she never had to leave him. He withdrew from her and turned her in his arms, kissing each breast before kissing her passionately.
"Let's get out of here Jen. Do you have a room?"
"Yes, at the other end of the hall from our daughters."
They talked quietly in the car, Jon pulled her into his lap and kissed her neck when they weren't talking. The driver knew to pull up at a side entrance and they were in the elevator without a soul noticing. Jeannette smiled when she saw a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with a short note.
Wow, voice of an angel indeed.
She popped the cork and poured them each a glass. Jon took a sip and went to kiss her but was met with the bottom of the glass. Jen walked away from him so she could finish the glass. The second she put it down his hands were on her back pulling the zipper down on her dress once more.
"God Jen, you have no idea what I wanted to do the moment I saw you."
"I have a good idea, you are a very physical person, you need to touch and feel. I'm amazed you
managed to restrain yourself until you showered."
"Your skin seems even softer than I remembered." he mumbled as he kissed her shoulder.
She bit down on her lower lip as he kissed every inch of her back, his fingers playing with her nipples. He left a lenghty kiss on her hip and picked her up placing her gently on the bed. He stood back and gazed at her, her pale skin shimmering in the moonlight flooding in from the window.
"You are the most beautiful sight in the world, my love."
"Stop staring at me and make love to me Mr. Bongiovi."
"Yes Miss Pierce, I am but your humble servent." he replied with a grin.
"Hi it's Jon, just wanted to tell you I made it to Sarnia in one piece and I miss you already. Give Chantal a hug for me and tell Winston I say hi. I'll try you tomorrow."
The bugs drove the guys nuts during a rather short performance and Richie noticed Jon's voice sounded a little rough. The sound system was horrible and the guys were expecting Jon to hit the roof but Jon didn't say a word once he walked off the stage. He headed straight to the trailer, swallowed a sleeping pill, took a shower, changed and headed to the bus that would make the two hour trip to the hotel in Auburn Hills for the concert the next night. Jon stretched out of one of the couches and was asleep before the rest of the guys boarded the bus.
Tico lost the rock, paper scissors game and was in charge of waking Jon up once they reached the hotel in the wee hours of the morning. Jon mumbled a few obscenities and took the card key off Obie and tried to walk to the elevator and remain half asleep.
"Bro, do you remember your room number?" Richie asked as Jon slumped against the back of the elevator.
"Fuck off."
"I'll take that as a no. 1210, Asshole." Richie chuckled.
Richie was just closing his door when he heard Jon swearing. He opened the door a bit more and stepped out in to the hall.
"Fucking door, won't fucking open, Stupid fucking card keys!"
"Stupid Jon at the wrong fucking door." Richie sighed turning Jon around and pushing him to the other side of the hall.
He waited until the door opened and started snickering.
"Not one fucking word Sambora!" Jon growled and slammed the door.
Richie shook his head and went back to his room with a huge grin on his face. Jon pulled his boots off, yanked the comforter off the bed and laid right down. He turned a few times and then drifted back to sleep.
Jon had been playing phone tag with Jeannette for a couple of days and without thinking called her right after he got off stage after the first Boston performance. The phone rang several times before it was finally picked up.
"Unless the world is ending I will kill you with my bare hands for calling at this hour." Jeannette hissed into the phone.
"Oh fuck Jen, I forgot about the time difference. What time is it?"
She couldn't help smiling when she realized who was calling. "4:15 in the morning, idiot."
"Sorry, I miss you so much."
"I miss you too, how's the tour going?"
"Well, but I'm miserable without you."
"Chantal has a birthday party on Friday so we are heading home tomorrow afternoon."
"For how long?"
"I don't know a week or so and then I'm thinking of taking her to Monaco. What about you, taking the kids to the Hampton's?"
"I want a week at home then we'll probably head up there. You aren't very talkative."
"Jon, it's 4:17, I'm tired and half asleep."
"Well I'll let you go then, sweet dreams my sweet."
"Night Jon, please remember the time difference next time."
"I'll try."
Jeannette put the phone down and rolled over. She was cursing him an hour later when she was still awake. She woke up again at nine and laid in bed until 10:15 when she picked up her phone book and looked up Jon's cell number. She dialled the number and it rang several times before it was finally picked up.
"What the fuck?" Jon growled.
"Oh fuck Jon, I forgot about the time difference. What time is it?" she asked in a sugar sweet voice.
"You are evil Jen."
"Hey it took me almost two hours to get back to sleep so turn about is fair play. Guess I need to be punished then." she purred.
"I'm awake now Baby, how about some phone sex?"
"Sorry, Chantal is waiting for me. Sweet dreams my sweet." she chuckled and hung up the
"Evil beautiful bitch. God I miss her." Jon said to the air, slid his phone under the pillow and went back to sleep.
Dave watched Jon down another cup of coffee and noticed how quiet he had been since he got back from England. He was distant and moody during the day only turning on his legendary charm and showmanship on stage. The second the final encore was done it was back to the dreary Jon. Stephanie and Jesse had flown in to see the second Boston show then go home with their Dad. Jon was trying to appear normal but 28 years of friendship told him it was all just an act. He had tried talking to him the other night but Jon dismissed him claiming he was tired.
Stephanie knew something was troubling her father. His eyes lit up when he first saw his two eldest children but since then they were a cold steel blue with none of the usual sparkle to them. He was using his fake smile when he did smile and he seemed a million miles away to her. Jon had to take a call from Philadelphia and Stephanie slid in to the seat next to her Uncle Richie.
"What's wrong with my Dad, Richie? Oh God, has he seen a doctor lately?"
Richie gave his Goddaughter a hug. "It's nothing medical Sweetheart. Your Dad is sick though, it's called love sickness. I was teasing him about it being only lust but judging by how he's acted since he left her....he's in love with her."
"Who is her? Where did he meet her and is that why he stayed in London?"
"Her name is Jeannette Pierce, he apparently met her briefly years ago and ran in to her again in London. Yes that is why he stayed."
"The name sounds vaguely familiar. I've heard it before."
"Dot use to take you to Broadway shows right?"
"Yes, she still does. We are looking forward to seeing 9 to 5 in the fall."
"Then that's how you know her, she's a big musical star with countless awards."
"Hmm I wonder what I've seen her in? So Dad is in love with her?"
"Yes and missing her something fierce. He asked her to come back with him but she has a five
year old daughter she didn't want to leave and there is a press problem."
"Press problem?"
"Yes, she looks like your Dad. One look at Jeannette and Jon with Chantal and well even I thought she was his until he set me straight."
"Steph she looks more like Jon than the four of you."
"Holy cow!"
"Yeah can you imagine how much fun the tabloids would have with that?"
"Richie, Dad is miserable he needs to be with her. What if we kept Chantal away from being seen
with them both? I'd watch Chantal while dad was with her."
"I could try asking her. I'd need you to get Jon's cell phone off him so I can get the number."
"Give me ten minutes." Stephanie chuckled and headed back to her Dad.
Fifteen minutes later, Stephanie handed Richie her dad's cell phone and Richie entered the two numbers Jon had into his phone book. Stephanie returned the phone back to her dad and hoped Richie could work his magic.
"Amberley Manor may I help you?" Betty asked.
"Hi is Jeannette there please?"
"I'm sorry but she is not in residence."
"Thank you."
Richie tried the number marked cell and the phone was finally picked up.
"Is Jeannette there please."
"One Moment, Jen the phone is for you."
"Hi Jeannette, you probably don't remember me but I'm a friend of Jon's. My name is Richie..."
"I know who you are Mr. Sambora, what can I do for you?"
"You both can get on a plane and come to New York. Jon has been absolutely miserable without you and very withdrawn. His daughter is concerned and asked me if I could get you down here. Stephanie has offered to watch Chantal so the press doesn't see the three of you together. I was hoping we could surprise the hell out of Jon at our final concert in Madison Square Gardens. He told me that you sing Thank You better then he does, so I thought maybe you could walk out and force him into a duet. I'd book two rooms for you at the Plaza. Stephanie would watch Chantal while you were at the venue and stay all night and you and Jon could reconnect in the other room after the concert."
"I don't know Richie, can I think about it for a week or so?"
"The concert is in five days, the last show is July 15th."
"Bloody hell, you don't give a lady much time."
"Sorry but I can assure you that there is never any press at Jon's estate. Can you give me a call back in a few hours so I can make arrangements?"
"Fine, give me a few hours to think this over. What number can I reach you at?"
Richie gave her his cell phone number and caught Stephanie's eye giving her crossed fingers and thumbs up sign which made her smile. She asked for her Dad's phone again and thought she could get a yes from Jeannette. She dialled Amberley Manor first then tried the second number. This time Jeannette answered.
"Hi Miss Pierce, this is Stephanie Bongiovi calling. I know my Uncle Rich gave you a call but I thought maybe if we chatted you'd be more comfortable with the idea of me watching Chantal. I'm fifteen and very responsible. My Mom leaves me in charge of my brothers when she needs to go out. I can handle a four year old boy no problem so Chantal will be a pleasure. I really like kids and I want to be a teacher when I get older. Miss Pierce, the sparkle is gone in my Dad's eyes and only you can put it back. Please come down to visit."
"Stephanie, this isn't fair, you are as utterly charming as your father. I'll make my flight arrangements and then call Richie to let him know."
"Thank you so much Miss Pierce."
"You are welcome my little manipulator."
Stephanie laughed and hung up flashing Richie a huge grin.
Jeannette finally found the British Airways flight she wanted in first class that left Heathrow Airport at 08:55 and arrived at JFK at 11:20, eight hours before the concert began. Richie assured her that someone would be waiting for the Pearson's as soon as they cleared customs. Chantal was very excited about the trip and kept asking her Mom questions about Stephanie that she had no answers for. Richie told Jen that Stephanie's payment for baby-sitting services was bizarre and that he'd handle it since he knew exactly what she wanted.
By the time the limo pulled up to the front of the Plaza Hotel, Jeannette was ready for a nap and Chantal was ready to run around the city. She knew FAO Schwarz was across the street from the Plaza and was staring at it as soon as she got out of the car. Jeannette knew what her daughter was thinking and sighed.
"Sweetie, I need a nap and you need to have a break too. I'm sure Stephanie would be happy to bring you across the street when she arrives. Let me check in. Please go get your luggage from the driver."
Jeannette checked in and called Richie from the hotel phone to let him know she had arrived. He told her that Stephanie would be there at five and she'd bring an all access pass with her. The concert was scheduled to begin at 7:30 and Bon Jovi was expected to be on stage by 8:30. Richie asked her to be at the artists entrance at 8:30 and as soon as they were on stage they'd let her in to the backstage area.
She ordered lunch for them both and as soon as it was delivered she went for a nap giving Chantal strict instructions to not leave the room. She woke up at 4:50 and found Chantal sitting in the living area watching TV with a pitcher of chocolate milk in front of her. Jeannette started eating half of the now cold club sandwich and ordered a pot of spearmint tea to be brought up immediately. The tea and Stephanie both arrived at the same time.
Stephanie looked at the tall blonde woman and could see why her father fell for her. Her long blond hair was pulled up into a neat bun and her green eyes shone like emeralds. Her large breasts were poured into a tight sage green top and her waist looked tiny in a white knee length skirt. Big breasts and long legs, she thought knowing her father's weakness for them. That is no groupie she thought, wondering how a woman who exuded class fell for her occasionally crass, potty mouthed dad.
"Hi Miss Pierce."
"Call me Jen, Stephanie. So it's Stephanie Manipulator Bongiovi?"
Stephanie laughed, "It's actually Rose, but I guess I learned a few things about getting my own way from dear old dad."
"Well my daughter, who would be hooked up to a chocolate milk IV if I let her, is incredibly happy to meet you. Get ready for a game of two hundred questions."
"Hi Stephanie, would you like some chocolate milk?"
"No thanks Chantal, I'm addicted to another drink."
"Addicted?" Jen asked with a grin.
"You mean Uncle Richie didn't tell you what I charged for baby sitting?"
"He just said you were a freak and he'd take care of it."
"I only drink Crystal Light Pink Lemonade, so I wanted a pitcher and two boxes of the mix."
"I'm rather fond of lemonade myself but I couldn't live without tea."
"I'll let you taste it when I make it. Do I need any instructions?"
"Chantal wanted to go across the street to FAO, I told her you might be willing to take her. She has to be in bed, lights out by ten and she is not allowed to cross a street without holding your hand."
"Those are easy enough rules to follow and I'm sure Chantal won't give me any problems, right?"
"No problems at all Stephanie. Mummy can we give her the gift now?"
"Yes, it's sitting on the night stand. Oh yes just in case something happens, my room is 1520, the
last suite on this side of the hall."
"Don't worry, massive blood loss would be the only reason I'd disturb you and my Dad." she replied memorizing the room number anyway.
Chantal came out with a thin box wrapped in floral paper and handed it to Stephanie. The box held a silver charm bracelet with a lipstick, high heels, a red London double decker bus, a purse and a tiny hand held mirror on it.
"Oh wow, this is great, I love them all but the lipstick is the best. Thank you so much."
"You are welcome. When did you see your Dad last?"
"A few hours ago, he brought me into the city when he came over. He thinks I'm at a sleep over at a friends house. I hung out with her and her parents then they dropped me off at the hotel door."
Stephanie had walked in with a pair of sandals on but she had kicked them off rather quickly which made Jeannette smile. She went back to her sandwich and asked if Stephanie wanted anything. Stephanie made her lemonade and gave her a glass. Jen liked it and made a mental note to stock up on it before they went back home. Half an hour later, the girls left for the toy store and promised they'd be back in an hour and a half. Jeannette asked for a wake up call and went back to lay down and rest.
Jen didn't need the wake up call as she heard Chantal giggling as the girls got back to the room. She got out of bed and found Chantal had a large bag in front of her from the toy store and a large lolly in her mouth.
"Miss Muffet, I don't recall giving you any money."
"Stephanie bought them for me. I got two more actors for my company."
Chantal pulled out a plush grey elephant puppet and a beige and white kangaroo with a joey in it's pouch. She also handed her mom a small bag of liquorice all-sorts, one of Jeannette's favourite candies.
"Thank you Stephanie. How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, dad pays my credit card bill and I'm sure he'd be happy to pay for what we got. You can ask him later if you don't believe me."
"A credit card at fifteen and your father questioned my parenting skills." she scoffed.
Stephanie looked down at her feet and said nothing. Chantal told her mother what had changed in the store since last time they were in New York until it was time for Jen to get dressed. Jeannette came out half an hour later in a body hugging deep purple satin dress that showed a lot of cleavage without looking slutty and came to just above her knee. She had a pair of very high heels of almost the same colour on and a gorgeous amethyst and diamond set of earrings and bracelet.
"Wow, you look gorgeous Jen, my Dad will be drooling but what are you wearing on stage?"
"This is what I'm wearing."
"Oh." (You are way too dressed up for a concert.)
"I've got to leave. Chantal be good or else."
"Yes Mummy." Chantal got up and kissed her mother goodnight and gave her a hug.
"Stephanie, if you get hungry later just call room service, thank you again."
"You're welcome again. Have fun freaking my dad out. He hates being surprised but he'll love seeing you."
Jeannette made it inside Madison Square Gardens with no problem and found it rather boring sitting behind the scenes. She made herself a cup of tea and asked if there was anywhere she could watch the show from. She was brought over to the lighting control booth and picked up the concert at 'Whole Lot of Leaving'. Jen knew that if Jon stayed with the set list, 'Keep the Faith' would be the last song before a wardrobe change and Richie's solo. Jon would appear in the crowd to sing and he'd get through the first verse of 'Make a Memory' before a spot light would hit her on a set of stairs and she'd join in vocally, signing and walking until she reached his mini stage. As Richie started singing, a technician brought over an ear piece and a microphone to her and helped her get into the section and out of view before Jon was on the floor. She was in place when she heard a voice talking in her ear. She hadn't been paying attention and it wasn't repeated.
The crowd roared when Jon appeared on the small stage and he started singing. Jeannette was thrown for a loop when the crowd started singing with him. She was use to being the only voice heard and respectful silence. She wondered if Jon would even hear her over the crowd. Before she knew it the spotlight was on her and she started singing.
Look at this old photograph
Look at all that hair we had...
Jon had his eyes closed so he didn't notice the spotlight but he heard her lilting voice on photograph and thought he was dreaming. His eyes sprung open and he looked around until he saw her, a vision in purple heading his way. His looked over to Richie who was standing on stage, a huge grin on his face, his hand over his forehead watching Jeannette make her way to the small stage. He pointed at Richie, shook his head and then focused on Jen. He kept singing but stepped back from the microphone so her voice could really be heard. Her softer voice floated throughout the arena and Jon felt like jumping down, throwing her in his arms and bringing her to him. Her slow sexy walk and coy smile were driving him insane and making his blood boil. When she was finally in front of him, the crowd parted and he stopped playing giving her his hand and helping her on stage. He swatted her rear end and went back to playing. When the music faded away he was suppose to go straight to 'Blood' but he turned around and pulled her into his arms giving her a long hug.
"I can't believe......, you have no precious Jen."
"Hello to you too." Jen whispered back and reluctantly withdrew from the hug, knowing she'd
get one hell of a kiss from him in private.
"Ladies and gentleman, the magnificent Jeannette Pierce. I always thought the guys and I did an decent job with this next song until I heard Jen sing it as a lullaby to her daughter. Compared to her, we sound like crap. Jen will you sing it for us?"
"Jon, I was surprising you with one duet, not turning this into......"
"Please, pretty please with a cherry on top." Jon chided, his most charming grin in full action.
"I'll get you my pretty and your shaggy haired accomplice." she sighed giving Richie a look that gave him the chills.
Jeannette started singing 'Thank You For Loving Me' accompanied by Dave on the piano. Jon stood back, his arms across his chest and just listened to her, he had no intention of joining her this time and just listened to her angelic and powerful voice soar. The crowd had started singing with her but quickly stopped and Jon knew they were as mesmerized by her voice as he had been the first time.
"Thanks for the help." she stated, slapping him upside the head when she was done. "Now get back to work, slacker."
With that she gave his ass a playful slap and made her way off stage. Ten minutes later she had made it through he maze of corridors and waited for him in the dressing room. She kicked off her heels and sat with her legs underneath her, eyes closed waiting to hear the door open and to feel his soft lips pressing hard into her.(Damn him, I can't wait to be in his arms again.)
She was seconds away from dozing off when she heard the noise from the hall and waited with breathless anticipation to feel his skin against hers. Jen didn't have to wait long as Jon cupped her face with both hands and gently kissed her eyelids, her forehead and nose before sliding his tongue across her lips. Their tongues met in a fiery tango and Jon kissed her hard, his fingers in her hair holding her against his lips. He continued kissing her, needing to taste her more than he needed to breathe until he started turning blue and had to pull away.
"I didn't need mouth to mouth but it looks like you might right now." she chuckled.
"I still can't believe I'm not dreaming. You are actually here."
"In the flesh, I like you in blue even better than the red. I could go swimming in your eyes."
"You have no idea how miserable I was without you Jen."
"That's why I'm here, your daughter was very concerned about the shell of a man who was trying to be her father."
"Steph called you?"
"Yes, she's watching Chantal right now. I've dubbed her my little manipulator."
"The shaggy hair accomplice must have been Rich."
"Yes, he made all the hotel arrangements and the initial call. Your daughter sealed the deal."
"She is getting a car for her sixteenth." Jon laughed kissing her again.
"Which reminds me, you critique my parenting skills and you give a 15 year old a credit card? Are you insane?"
"She's very responsible and never goes insane. I can afford it so why not."
"Why not? She is 15 and should be working for an allowance, saving her money up to buy things."
"We are not going to talk about parenting styles tonight my love. Let me take a shower and then we can get out of here."
Jon left the bathroom door open and talked to her while he quickly took a shower. He walked out with just a towel wrapped around his waist pushing her back against the wall and kissing her hard as his hands roamed her body. His hand slid up underneath her dress and ran along her slit.
"I see I'm going to have to punish you, you naughty little diva."
"I've been looking forward to my punishment since I got dressed." she purred as Jon slid the zipper down leaving her naked before him.
He ordered her to bend over the couch as he locked the door and thrust straight into her. Her hips bucked and she pushed back against him with each stroke. She hated how much she craved each stroke, how it made her wish she never had to leave him. He withdrew from her and turned her in his arms, kissing each breast before kissing her passionately.
"Let's get out of here Jen. Do you have a room?"
"Yes, at the other end of the hall from our daughters."
They talked quietly in the car, Jon pulled her into his lap and kissed her neck when they weren't talking. The driver knew to pull up at a side entrance and they were in the elevator without a soul noticing. Jeannette smiled when she saw a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with a short note.
Wow, voice of an angel indeed.
She popped the cork and poured them each a glass. Jon took a sip and went to kiss her but was met with the bottom of the glass. Jen walked away from him so she could finish the glass. The second she put it down his hands were on her back pulling the zipper down on her dress once more.
"God Jen, you have no idea what I wanted to do the moment I saw you."
"I have a good idea, you are a very physical person, you need to touch and feel. I'm amazed you
managed to restrain yourself until you showered."
"Your skin seems even softer than I remembered." he mumbled as he kissed her shoulder.
She bit down on her lower lip as he kissed every inch of her back, his fingers playing with her nipples. He left a lenghty kiss on her hip and picked her up placing her gently on the bed. He stood back and gazed at her, her pale skin shimmering in the moonlight flooding in from the window.
"You are the most beautiful sight in the world, my love."
"Stop staring at me and make love to me Mr. Bongiovi."
"Yes Miss Pierce, I am but your humble servent." he replied with a grin.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Just One Kiss Chapter 6
The three of them went riding in the afternoon and Chantal led them to her private swimming hole. She tore off her shorts and T shirt and jumped into the water with her pink bathing suit on.
"Damn that looks inviting." Jon moaned as he wiped sweat off his brow.
"I didn't know she'd want to go here or I would have worn my suit underneath too."
"Come on in, the water's fine." Chantal yelled and did a somersault in the water.
"You have boxers on right?"
"You could go in and let the sun dry you off or go commando on the way back to the house."
"And you?" Jon asked as she peeled her top off and shimmied out of her shorts, jumping in the water in her sexy pink bra set.
"Mummy, doesn't that thread up your butt hurt?" Chantal asked when Jeannette surfaced beside her.
"No Sweetie. Come on Jon, you know you want to join us the water is nice and cool."
"Yeah I see that." Jon said looking at her stiff nipples beneath the now see through bra. She floated on her back and Jon knew he couldn't take his jeans off until he calmed his body down.
Twenty minutes later, he jumped into the water and found that he could stand in it as the water reached his shoulders. He twirled a floating Jen around a few times and then had to spend twenty minutes doing the same to Chantal. While he twirled Chantal, Jen got out of the water and stripped naked leaving her bra and thong to dry in the sun. She circled her nipples with her finger, licked her lips then laid down causing Jon to almost drown her daughter as he pushed down instead of around. Chantal came up spurting, splashed water in his face and told him to pay attention as she floated again. When Chantal finally came out of the water she offered to go get towels and rode off. Jon immediately got out of the water and ran his wet hand along her bare back, flipping her over quickly, her legs on his shoulders.
"I need you so bad Jen." he growled and thrust in to her.
Twenty minutes later he looked up at her throw the valley of her breasts, smiling at the dreamy
look on her face.
"There is nothing sexier in the world than that." she said quietly.
"Than what? Jon asked figuring she meant a good fuck.
"The way that you look up at me between my breasts. Your look makes me think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world."
"That's because it's true, you are Jen."
"Such a charmer. You best get off of me, Miss Muffet will be back very soon."
"Jen, I don't want to say goodbye to you. I haven't been this happy in years."
"Parting is such sweet sorrow." she replied softly.
"I'm serious, come on tour with me."
"Jon, if you were playing in Toronto, I'd think about it for a fraction of a second before saying no. I have a house there and Chantal has friends. Sarnia, sorry but I have no desire to see it. I won't leave Chantal behind and I'm not risking the press seeing the three of us together and having her whole world falsely turned upside down. I like you Jon, but I love my daughter."
"We have to figure something out because I need you Jen."
"You can't always get what you want Jon. I'm sure there are lots of girls back home who would be more than happy to fuck your brains out." she replied hating the thought.
"It's not just the fact that I've never had better sex in my entire life Jen. We've got a connection, a deep connection, not only do our bodies fit perfectly together but even out voice blend perfectly. We share a passion for music, for fine wines, for our kids, for helping others and the list goes on. It's so easy talking to you and so much fun arguing with you."
"You are welcome to come visit me anytime Jon."
"I've got a summer place in the Hampton's. What about both of you coming to see me?"
"Oh the Hampton's, where the press camps out during the summer and half the town knows all the tabloids numbers by heart? Don't think so. My first and only visit I was accused of breaking up a marriage because I ran into someone in a store and had a cuppa with them."
"Yes and it wasn't the husband either!"
The goofy look on Jon's face made her swat him and go on a tirade about men thinking girl on girl action was so hot. Chantal came riding up in time to hear Jon begging her to forget he even brought the idea up.
"Don't mess with Mummy, Jon. She can debate with you until you are blue in the face, passed out and no longer living and she'll still be throwing points out."
"What? Aunty Mandy and Aunty Rhonda have said that a few times."
Jon started laughing and took a towel of Chantal wondering how he was going to persuade Jen to spend more time with him. She tossed a towel at her still naked mother and brought some carrots over to the two other horses. they made it back to the house in time for tea and Jeannette remembered she gave Betty the rest of the day off. She opened the fridge and found a plate of tea sandwiches and bite sized desserts. Chantal put them on the tea tier while Jeannette put some clotted cream in a bowl and took some scones out of the bread box.
"How about cherry preserves today?" Jeannette asked them both.
"Fine with me." Jon answered.
"Can I take the little blackberry one instead Mummy?"
"Sure, why don't you go show Jon your theatre and company while I get the water ready? Give me fifteen minutes."
"You have a theatre and a company?" Jon asked.
"Yes, I'll show you."
Chantal led Jon off to a room upstairs that held a large wooden puppet theatre complete with velvet curtains. She opened up a closet with hand painted backgrounds neatly arranged on the walls and three large sets of plastic drawers on wheels. Chantal wheeled each out and started opening the drawers to show off her company of actors. Jon was expecting wooden puppets and was surprised to see that her entire company was plush. She pulled out a soft fuzzy grey bunny with a white stomach and a racoon and brought Jon to see the back of the stage that could easily hold three adults.
"Does my racoon have a name?" Jon asked.
"Rodney and this is Whiskers."
"Hello Whiskers." Jon said in a gruff voice.
"Hello Rodney, such a fine day today." Chantal replied in a perfect Irish accent.
The two stuffed puppets continued having a five minute conversation about fresh air versus the air in their plastic house until Jeannette pressed the rarely used dinner bell to summon them to tea. Chantal told Jon they had to put everything back in place quickly and get downstairs.
"I thought we could play some more after tea." Jon suggested.
"I'd like that but we still have to clean up first or Mummy will have a fit."
Jon rolled his eyes but helped her clean up. He was constantly tripping over his children's toys and it never bothered him or Dorothea. He still couldn't get over how trained Jeannette had Chantal. It occasionally reminded him of a Stepford Wife.
"What took you two so long?" Jeannette asked as they sat down.
"A place for everything and everything in it's place." Jon replied with a smirk.
The look Jen gave him was more effective than any icy cold shower and he knew to not even bother hoping for some more action that day. After tea was finished Jon went back up to the puppet room and played with Chantal until dinner time. One minute he was playing with a five year old and ten minutes later she was having a conversation and sounding like a college senior. He was certain that she'd be bored out of her mind in school and wondered if Jen had thought of that yet.
After dinner Jen sent Chantal up to pick out a book for read out loud and settled into the couch, tucking her legs underneath her. Her position emphasized her breasts and Jon found himself looking for a pillow to put over his lap. She came down with a large illustrated special edition of Anne of Green Gables and opened it at the green velvet ribbon place keeper. Chantal handed the book over to her mother and stretched out on the couch. Jon had fallen asleep twenty minutes in to the story and woke up with a start when Chantal jumped in his lap.
"Whoa, Chantal, you should never jump into a man's lap. Knees can hurt delicate areas."
"It's eight and I believe you were making me something with chocolate."
"Ah yes the humble S'more. Do you know why the are called that?"
"Well it sounds like a slang way of saying some more so I guess they are so good you want another one."
"What grade is she going into ten?" Jon asked with a grin.
"First form." Jeannette laughed.
"I'm waiting for some chocolate goodness." Chantal announced.
"Everything you wanted is beside the bread box Jon."
Fifteen minutes later Jon came out with a plate of s'mores and Chantal was madly in love. Jeannette took one bite and handed it over to her daughter.
"Sorry but far too sweet for my liking, I'd rather just eat the chocolate on it's own."
"I love the chocolate gooey goodness." Chantal proclaimed and went for a fourth one.
"I like them, they remind me of my childhood." Jon replied taking a second one.
Jeannette got up and came back with a sleeve of her chocolate soufflé cookies and left them to devour the s'mores. Jon brought Chantal up to her room, brushed her hair for twenty minutes, before giving her a kiss on the forehead and telling her to get ready for bed. Jeannette came up to tuck her in and turned off the lights. She slipped into her room, removed her shorts and T shirt, put them away and padded downstairs barefoot.
"Are you trying to kill me?" Jon growled when he saw her.
"Follow me and you'll find out." Jen started heading in the direction of her studio leaving her bra half way down the stairs and pulling her thong off as she opened the studio door. "Soundproof." was all she managed to say before Jon was on her.
He loved being able to watch her in the mirrored wall, watch her face, her eyes cloud over as he took her from behind and gave her the hard fucking she loved. Watching her was an incredible turn on for him and seemed to give him even more energy as he pounded in to her. They lay naked intertwined in each other on the floor recovering from the last two hours while Jon sucked gently on her neck.
"Come back with me Jen, I can't let you go."
"What? Jon, we've been over this." she exclaimed.
"Come on tour with me darling."
"Jon, are you mad? I'm not leaving Chantal a week after I quit to spend more time with her! You just want me at your sexual beck and call. Not that I mind all the sex but I am no groupie."
"Bella, you've cast a spell over me and I don't think I can go on with out you."
"Jon, rule number one is the show must go on, so stop acting like a love sick teenager. We have shared a delicious and decedent week together, it nothing more than hot sex. We've got a day left before you leave to break some more decency laws, then this little sexual escapade will be over."
"It's more than the sex Jen and you know it."
"Jon, I like you but it's been all about the sex for me." she lied.
"I don't believe you."
"Jon, I've been able to let my wild side come out and play but when you go it's time for the slut to go back where she belongs and the loving mother to get on with her life."
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for me."
"I already said you could visit me anytime, what more do you want?"
"I want you to admit, I need you to tell me that you'll be miserable without me and that as soon as I can figure out a way to keep the press at bay you'll be on a plane to see me. I've been away from home for almost nine months and other than Christmas and Easter I've barely seen my kids or I'd be on the first flight back to London and you."
"Jon, I do like you and I will miss you. I don't get that emotionally attached to anyone after a week. I'm certainly never miserable with Chantal in my life. All I can tell you now is that it isn't just the sex."
"I guess I can live with that." he replied with a pout.
"You can pout or you can come to bed." Jeannette stated and stood picking her thong up at the door and climbing the stairs to retrieve her bra.
Jon let the studio door close and screamed in frustration, cursing the tough British resolve and wondering why he had to fall for a woman who wouldn't jump at the chance to be with him all the time. She had been right earlier, he knew there were hundreds of women who would gladly fuck his brains out whenever he wanted, but none of them were Jeannette and he only wanted her.
"Damn that looks inviting." Jon moaned as he wiped sweat off his brow.
"I didn't know she'd want to go here or I would have worn my suit underneath too."
"Come on in, the water's fine." Chantal yelled and did a somersault in the water.
"You have boxers on right?"
"You could go in and let the sun dry you off or go commando on the way back to the house."
"And you?" Jon asked as she peeled her top off and shimmied out of her shorts, jumping in the water in her sexy pink bra set.
"Mummy, doesn't that thread up your butt hurt?" Chantal asked when Jeannette surfaced beside her.
"No Sweetie. Come on Jon, you know you want to join us the water is nice and cool."
"Yeah I see that." Jon said looking at her stiff nipples beneath the now see through bra. She floated on her back and Jon knew he couldn't take his jeans off until he calmed his body down.
Twenty minutes later, he jumped into the water and found that he could stand in it as the water reached his shoulders. He twirled a floating Jen around a few times and then had to spend twenty minutes doing the same to Chantal. While he twirled Chantal, Jen got out of the water and stripped naked leaving her bra and thong to dry in the sun. She circled her nipples with her finger, licked her lips then laid down causing Jon to almost drown her daughter as he pushed down instead of around. Chantal came up spurting, splashed water in his face and told him to pay attention as she floated again. When Chantal finally came out of the water she offered to go get towels and rode off. Jon immediately got out of the water and ran his wet hand along her bare back, flipping her over quickly, her legs on his shoulders.
"I need you so bad Jen." he growled and thrust in to her.
Twenty minutes later he looked up at her throw the valley of her breasts, smiling at the dreamy
look on her face.
"There is nothing sexier in the world than that." she said quietly.
"Than what? Jon asked figuring she meant a good fuck.
"The way that you look up at me between my breasts. Your look makes me think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world."
"That's because it's true, you are Jen."
"Such a charmer. You best get off of me, Miss Muffet will be back very soon."
"Jen, I don't want to say goodbye to you. I haven't been this happy in years."
"Parting is such sweet sorrow." she replied softly.
"I'm serious, come on tour with me."
"Jon, if you were playing in Toronto, I'd think about it for a fraction of a second before saying no. I have a house there and Chantal has friends. Sarnia, sorry but I have no desire to see it. I won't leave Chantal behind and I'm not risking the press seeing the three of us together and having her whole world falsely turned upside down. I like you Jon, but I love my daughter."
"We have to figure something out because I need you Jen."
"You can't always get what you want Jon. I'm sure there are lots of girls back home who would be more than happy to fuck your brains out." she replied hating the thought.
"It's not just the fact that I've never had better sex in my entire life Jen. We've got a connection, a deep connection, not only do our bodies fit perfectly together but even out voice blend perfectly. We share a passion for music, for fine wines, for our kids, for helping others and the list goes on. It's so easy talking to you and so much fun arguing with you."
"You are welcome to come visit me anytime Jon."
"I've got a summer place in the Hampton's. What about both of you coming to see me?"
"Oh the Hampton's, where the press camps out during the summer and half the town knows all the tabloids numbers by heart? Don't think so. My first and only visit I was accused of breaking up a marriage because I ran into someone in a store and had a cuppa with them."
"Yes and it wasn't the husband either!"
The goofy look on Jon's face made her swat him and go on a tirade about men thinking girl on girl action was so hot. Chantal came riding up in time to hear Jon begging her to forget he even brought the idea up.
"Don't mess with Mummy, Jon. She can debate with you until you are blue in the face, passed out and no longer living and she'll still be throwing points out."
"What? Aunty Mandy and Aunty Rhonda have said that a few times."
Jon started laughing and took a towel of Chantal wondering how he was going to persuade Jen to spend more time with him. She tossed a towel at her still naked mother and brought some carrots over to the two other horses. they made it back to the house in time for tea and Jeannette remembered she gave Betty the rest of the day off. She opened the fridge and found a plate of tea sandwiches and bite sized desserts. Chantal put them on the tea tier while Jeannette put some clotted cream in a bowl and took some scones out of the bread box.
"How about cherry preserves today?" Jeannette asked them both.
"Fine with me." Jon answered.
"Can I take the little blackberry one instead Mummy?"
"Sure, why don't you go show Jon your theatre and company while I get the water ready? Give me fifteen minutes."
"You have a theatre and a company?" Jon asked.
"Yes, I'll show you."
Chantal led Jon off to a room upstairs that held a large wooden puppet theatre complete with velvet curtains. She opened up a closet with hand painted backgrounds neatly arranged on the walls and three large sets of plastic drawers on wheels. Chantal wheeled each out and started opening the drawers to show off her company of actors. Jon was expecting wooden puppets and was surprised to see that her entire company was plush. She pulled out a soft fuzzy grey bunny with a white stomach and a racoon and brought Jon to see the back of the stage that could easily hold three adults.
"Does my racoon have a name?" Jon asked.
"Rodney and this is Whiskers."
"Hello Whiskers." Jon said in a gruff voice.
"Hello Rodney, such a fine day today." Chantal replied in a perfect Irish accent.
The two stuffed puppets continued having a five minute conversation about fresh air versus the air in their plastic house until Jeannette pressed the rarely used dinner bell to summon them to tea. Chantal told Jon they had to put everything back in place quickly and get downstairs.
"I thought we could play some more after tea." Jon suggested.
"I'd like that but we still have to clean up first or Mummy will have a fit."
Jon rolled his eyes but helped her clean up. He was constantly tripping over his children's toys and it never bothered him or Dorothea. He still couldn't get over how trained Jeannette had Chantal. It occasionally reminded him of a Stepford Wife.
"What took you two so long?" Jeannette asked as they sat down.
"A place for everything and everything in it's place." Jon replied with a smirk.
The look Jen gave him was more effective than any icy cold shower and he knew to not even bother hoping for some more action that day. After tea was finished Jon went back up to the puppet room and played with Chantal until dinner time. One minute he was playing with a five year old and ten minutes later she was having a conversation and sounding like a college senior. He was certain that she'd be bored out of her mind in school and wondered if Jen had thought of that yet.
After dinner Jen sent Chantal up to pick out a book for read out loud and settled into the couch, tucking her legs underneath her. Her position emphasized her breasts and Jon found himself looking for a pillow to put over his lap. She came down with a large illustrated special edition of Anne of Green Gables and opened it at the green velvet ribbon place keeper. Chantal handed the book over to her mother and stretched out on the couch. Jon had fallen asleep twenty minutes in to the story and woke up with a start when Chantal jumped in his lap.
"Whoa, Chantal, you should never jump into a man's lap. Knees can hurt delicate areas."
"It's eight and I believe you were making me something with chocolate."
"Ah yes the humble S'more. Do you know why the are called that?"
"Well it sounds like a slang way of saying some more so I guess they are so good you want another one."
"What grade is she going into ten?" Jon asked with a grin.
"First form." Jeannette laughed.
"I'm waiting for some chocolate goodness." Chantal announced.
"Everything you wanted is beside the bread box Jon."
Fifteen minutes later Jon came out with a plate of s'mores and Chantal was madly in love. Jeannette took one bite and handed it over to her daughter.
"Sorry but far too sweet for my liking, I'd rather just eat the chocolate on it's own."
"I love the chocolate gooey goodness." Chantal proclaimed and went for a fourth one.
"I like them, they remind me of my childhood." Jon replied taking a second one.
Jeannette got up and came back with a sleeve of her chocolate soufflé cookies and left them to devour the s'mores. Jon brought Chantal up to her room, brushed her hair for twenty minutes, before giving her a kiss on the forehead and telling her to get ready for bed. Jeannette came up to tuck her in and turned off the lights. She slipped into her room, removed her shorts and T shirt, put them away and padded downstairs barefoot.
"Are you trying to kill me?" Jon growled when he saw her.
"Follow me and you'll find out." Jen started heading in the direction of her studio leaving her bra half way down the stairs and pulling her thong off as she opened the studio door. "Soundproof." was all she managed to say before Jon was on her.
He loved being able to watch her in the mirrored wall, watch her face, her eyes cloud over as he took her from behind and gave her the hard fucking she loved. Watching her was an incredible turn on for him and seemed to give him even more energy as he pounded in to her. They lay naked intertwined in each other on the floor recovering from the last two hours while Jon sucked gently on her neck.
"Come back with me Jen, I can't let you go."
"What? Jon, we've been over this." she exclaimed.
"Come on tour with me darling."
"Jon, are you mad? I'm not leaving Chantal a week after I quit to spend more time with her! You just want me at your sexual beck and call. Not that I mind all the sex but I am no groupie."
"Bella, you've cast a spell over me and I don't think I can go on with out you."
"Jon, rule number one is the show must go on, so stop acting like a love sick teenager. We have shared a delicious and decedent week together, it nothing more than hot sex. We've got a day left before you leave to break some more decency laws, then this little sexual escapade will be over."
"It's more than the sex Jen and you know it."
"Jon, I like you but it's been all about the sex for me." she lied.
"I don't believe you."
"Jon, I've been able to let my wild side come out and play but when you go it's time for the slut to go back where she belongs and the loving mother to get on with her life."
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for me."
"I already said you could visit me anytime, what more do you want?"
"I want you to admit, I need you to tell me that you'll be miserable without me and that as soon as I can figure out a way to keep the press at bay you'll be on a plane to see me. I've been away from home for almost nine months and other than Christmas and Easter I've barely seen my kids or I'd be on the first flight back to London and you."
"Jon, I do like you and I will miss you. I don't get that emotionally attached to anyone after a week. I'm certainly never miserable with Chantal in my life. All I can tell you now is that it isn't just the sex."
"I guess I can live with that." he replied with a pout.
"You can pout or you can come to bed." Jeannette stated and stood picking her thong up at the door and climbing the stairs to retrieve her bra.
Jon let the studio door close and screamed in frustration, cursing the tough British resolve and wondering why he had to fall for a woman who wouldn't jump at the chance to be with him all the time. She had been right earlier, he knew there were hundreds of women who would gladly fuck his brains out whenever he wanted, but none of them were Jeannette and he only wanted her.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Just One Kiss Chapter 5
When Jon arrived, Betty showed him to a guest room. He left his suitcase on the bed and stopped to look inside Chantal’s room on the way past it. He smiled when he noticed Winston was sitting on her pillow. During tea, Jeannette suggested that Chantal could pick out a few of her favourite home movies to show Jon before dinner. Before she left Jeannette, gave her daughter a hug and kiss and told her she was probably going to sleep in the next morning. Chantal wanted to show Jon her horse and they headed towards the stables. After a short ride, they returned to the house and watched her third birthday party, her trip to Disney Paris, a trip to the Ontario Science Center in Toronto and her first riding competition.
After dinner, Jon asked if she wanted to hear a story. Chantal ran up to get a book and came back with the Complete Adventures of Curious George. He looked at the 400 plus page book and smiled.
"Geez, do you think this book is long enough?"
"The first seven books are in there. I have the new adventures book too."
"I’ll read you two of the stories then it’s time for bed."
She sat right next to him on the couch so she could see the pictures as he read her the two stories, trying his best to create different voices for different characters.
"Time for you and George to go to bed. I use to love getting Curious George books out of the library when I was your age. I liked Dr. Seuss a lot too."
"What was your favourite?"
"I think Horton Hears a Hoo was my favourite."
"Did you read Barbar?"
"No, I’ve heard of him though, he’s an elephant right?"
"Yeah, Mommy has an original printing of Barbar’s Father Christmas. We read it at Christmas time."
"So you can read?"
"Oh yeah, I’ve been reading since I was two and a half. Miss Mandy says I read at a grade 4 level."
"Maybe you can read me, a bedtime story tomorrow."
Chantal laughed, "Sure, I’ll pick something good."
Jon followed her up to her room and sat down on her bed.
"I see Winston is out."
"Yes, Mommy asked me if I’d like him to stay on my bed. Can you get the glass out of the bathroom across the hall and put some cold water in it for me?
"Sure, but don’t you have to brush your teeth?"
"No, I only brush them in the morning."
"Your teeth are your friends, you need to take care of them. You should brush them after every meal or at least at bedtime."
Nah, my plan is good, water please."
Chantal had put on her pyjamas and was sitting on the bench of her vanity. Jon put the water on the table beside her bed and turned down her covers.
"Oh, can we do that for Mommy? She is always so tired when she comes home from a party."
"Sure, lets go now."
Once they were back in her room, Chantal handed him her hair brush and pulled her hair out of its ponytail. "Could you brush my hair?"
Jon figured it was a part of her bedtime routine and brushed her golden hair until he noticed her eyes were closed.
"Hey, you’re falling asleep on me. Time to climb into bed."
Chantal sighed, she loved having her hair brushed but Jeannette rarely indulged her because she never wanted her mom to stop. She climbed in to bed and wrapped her arms around
Winston. Jon leaned over and left a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my sweet."
"Night Jon, thank you for my story."
"It was my pleasure, see you in the morning." Jon turned out her light and went downstairs with a book.
Jon heard a car drive up a little after midnight and closed his book He made it to the door just in time to open it for Jeannette. He hadn’t seen her leave because he was in the stable but the sight that greeted him sent his temperature soaring. She was wearing a deep rose dress that had a plunging front and back and fell to her ankles.
"You look amazing."
"Thank you, Jon you didn’t need to wait up for me."
"I wanted to make sure you got home safely and I used the time to get some reading done."
"Did Chantal give you a hard time?"
"No, she was great, I read her two stories, brushed her hair and tucked her in."
"She asked you to brush her hair? That little scamp."
"You don’t brush her hair?"
"Not often, she never wants you to stop and she get cranky when you do. How long did you brush it for?"
"About ten minutes I guess, I stopped because she looked like she was falling asleep."
"She probably was. I’m not tired yet, but I want to get out of this dress and these shoes. Care to meet me in my study in ten minutes?"
Fifteen minutes later he made his way into her study. She was sitting on the couch sipping a glass of red wine. She had changed into gray silk PJ’s. She took one look at Jon and giggled.
"So you sleep in jeans?"
"Jon, go change for bed. Do you want a night cap?"
"Wine’s fine for me."
"I’ve been drinking champagne all night or I’d have something harder myself, are you sure?"
"I really like wine but do you have scotch?"
"Will Glenfiddich do?"
"Oh yeah."
"So change already."
Jon came back a few minutes later with boxers and an old faded gray T shirt on. He accepted the tumbler of scotch and let the amber liquor slide down his throat.
"So how was the party?"
"Typical, but this time I foiled my host. It drives me nuts, anytime I’m invited to a party the host assumes I’ll provide free entertainment. No one asks me in advance if I’d sing, which I would actually appreciate. No, they all wait and ask me in front of everyone if I would sing. They make it so that you can’t really say no."
"I hate having to sing for my supper too."
"Tonight I said, sorry the throat is sore and I’m not singing. The party fizzled after that and I left."
"It sounds to me like you need to do that more often."
"Yeah, I don’t know why I go to so many parties, I don’t really enjoy them."
"I think that you are so use to not being home in the evening that you think you need to be out when you aren’t on the stage. That isn’t a knock about tucking Chantal in either."
"One of the reasons, I’m taking this break is that I miss tucking her in and having dinner with her."
"How long of a break are you taking?"
"I don’t know." She replied not ready to tell Jon it was going to be a permanent break.
"So tell me about your family. Where did you grow up? Did you always want to be on the stage?"
"I was born and bread in London. My Dad died when I was fifteen. I missed him so much that I tried out for a local theatre company’s production of Sound of Music. I wanted to do something to keep me busy. I got the role of Lizel and on opening night a producer was in the audience. He was dragged there to see the girl playing Maria but I stole the show. They were just about to start casting for Les Miz and Eponine was offered to me on the spot. Three months later, the workshop started and nine months later the show opened. I was sixteen on opening night and turned seventeen two months later."
"Sorry about your Dad, are you close to your Mom?"
"I talk to her every so often. She got tired of the rain and cold here and moved to Barbados in 1997. I hoped she’d want to be a grandma but she didn’t want to be hands on. She calls on Chantal’s birthday and always sends her a gift but she never wants to come here and I know she isn’t exactly thrilled when we spend a week with her every year."
"That’s too bad, my Mom loves her grand kids. Was she a stage Mom?"
"No, she’d come to opening nights and that was about it. I rarely saw her once Les Miz opened. I’d go to school, go straight to the theatre, come home to fall in to bed and get up for school the next morning. I’d hardly ever see her. On my eighteenth birthday, I used the trust fund money from my Dad and my earning to buy my townhouse and I moved out. I wanted to live in a house that suited my tastes. I’ve been an independent women for almost eighteen years."
"How old were you when we met and what were you doing in Fiji?"
"I was 29 and I had run away from the theatre two and a half months before. I had been performing for twelve years straight, going from one show to the next and I was exhausted. I started hating going to work every day and I knew I needed a break. I didn’t renew my contract and left my role as Evita and went straight to the airport. I boarded the next flight to Sydney and found my way to Fiji. I was in Fiji for almost two months, we met on my last night there. I went diving at the Great Barrier Reef for a week then went to visit a friend in Nice for a few weeks before finally going back to London. I was home for maybe three weeks when I started getting what turned out to be wicked morning sickness. I found out I was pregnant and didn’t work until Chantal was three months old."
"Did you ever consider not having Chantal?"
"No, I was about two months when I found out and there was no way I would terminate the pregnancy. I don’t believe in abortions. You bolted that night because you were married right?"
"Yes, you made me forget that my wife and 3 kids were back in the resort sleeping. I didn’t want to stop kissing you but I knew that if I didn’t leave, I’d be fucking you in the bar and that wasn’t really fair to my wife or you. I haven’t always been faithful to my wife but I hadn’t cheated on her in years and you were the first serious temptation to come along. I thought about you all that night and wondered how hot the sex would have been. That trip was after the Bounce Tour."
"You aren’t married anymore though are you? What happened?"
"No, we grew apart and when we were together it was like two strangers living under one roof. Dorth and I had always been best friends but the only thing we ever talked about anymore was the kids. We spent a lot of time having sex because we didn’t have to talk. She finally told me that she thought we should separate and about six months later she meet a divorced father and started dating him. We got divorced quietly and it was only a tiny blip on the news scene."
"Nothing like poor Richie and that tramp. Heather came to see me in New York and came
backstage. I liked her a lot she was very kind."
"Yes, Heather is a very good person. I still talk to her every so often."
Jeannette woke up naked in Jon’s arms. She thought about it for a few minutes and remembered what had happened. They were talking and drinking and she leaned over to kiss Jon. He kissed her back and quickly relieved her of her clothes and used his tongue to bring her to an orgasm before carrying her to bed. She remembered taking control in bed and wanting to draw sex out like their kissing but she wanted him inside her too much and gave in to her wanton needs. She turned slightly to watch him sleep for a few minutes and then made herself comfortable and went back to sleep.
Jon woke up an hour or so later and could feel her hair on his chest. He smiled to himself because he finally wasn’t waking up alone. He carefully pulled away from her and pulled the sheet off her body. He studied every inch of her body and committed it to memory before he started leaving tender kisses all over her. She thought she was dreaming until she felt his teeth rake over her nipple. She moaned and slowly opened her eyes. He looked up at her through the valley of her breasts and smiled softly.
"Morning Jen."
"Hey, that’s the first time you called me Jen."
"I think it’s safe to say we are friends now." He replied before returning his attention back to her
"Friends with benefits." She chuckled.
"I know the sensible thing, would be not having sex, but you and I loose our senses around each other."
"Jon, you need to earn your keep." She said with a sexy grin.
"So you would like my special turn down and wake up services?"
"Hell yeah."
Jon laughed, "You know it is rather fun watching and listening to you in the throws of passion, you turn me on."
"You tongue certainly turned me on last night but I miss your kisses."
"How about night sex and morning kisses?"
"Works for me."
"Is there any danger of Chantal walking in on us?"
"Not in the morning, she never wakes me up. She may wonder where you are though."
"Then I guess I better get off you and...."
"You owe me at least a half an hour of serious necking."
"You are such a slave driver." He chuckled before kissing her.
"Jon, don’t you miss your kids?" She asked half an hour later as he was rubbing both nipples between his fingers and sucking on her neck.
"I miss them, I miss then a lot."
"Then what are you doing in East Sussex in my bed?"
"I’m making you moan." Jon answered hoping to deflect this particular line of questioning.
"Yes you are, but you know that’s not what I mean."
"I’ll be seeing my kids in a week or so, right now I’ve got a beautiful woman naked and I’d like to
fuck her brains out again."
"Sorry, but I’m going to go check on my daughter and see if there is any chocolate milk left. We got a fresh delivery today and it better not be gone."
Jeannette kissed the tip of his nose and moved from underneath him. She pulled on a skirt and a tank top, her nipples still extended and pointing out against the thin material and padded downstairs. Jon screamed into the pillow, the knowledge that she had no underwear on was going to drive him nuts all day long.
He walked into the kitchen to find Jen holding an empty glass milk bottle.
"Four, you downed four of these young lady! No more chocolate milk for you today. Chantal you are cut off."
"Mummy, you know how much I love chocolate milk, I can’t help myself. I’m an addict."
"Yeah well cutting off your supply is steps 1-8, in the 12 step program. Go read."
"I’m sorry Miss Pierce, the little imp got to the bottles before I made it over here." Betty stated.
"I don’t blame you Betty. I have a funny feeling she set her alarm so she could meet the
milkman at the door. "
"I’ll make you breakfast, what would you like?"
"Don’t worry about it Betty, I’ll make us both something. You can go stock the pantry then you can have the rest of the day off."
"Thank you Miss, is there anything you’d like beside your soufflé cookies?"
"Some good quality dark chocolate, I’m in the mood to make a pain au chocolat."
"I’ll get you the best they have."
"Betty, do they have graham crackers and marshmallows?" Jon asked.
"Yes, would you like some?"
"Please with a bar of chocolate, just let me go get my wallet."
"Don’t worry about it Jon. Thanks Betty, that will be all."
"What do you want with marshmallows and graham crackers?"
"You’ve obviously never had a s’more."
"A s’more, never heard of it. What is it?"
"You’ll see, what time to you put Chantal to bed normally?"
"Around nine."
"Then you’ll find out around eight." Jon said as he walked up behind her and pulled her against him, kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her body.
"Joooon." she replied trying to fight her desire for him.
"Did you really think you could strut around all day without panties and not have to suffer the consequences?" he whispered huskily in her ears as he raised her skirt up to her waist and
caressed her cheeks with his hands.
"Jon, not here."
"Shush, I’m in charge now and right here, right now is the consequence." He pulled his zipper
down and entered her quickly thrusting hard as she melted in his arms, holding on to the counter for dear life. His need for her, made being gentle impossible as he rammed in to her over and over again until he exploded inside of her. As soon as he withdrew she slipped down to the ground.
"Bloody hell Jon, you fucked me like I was a piece of meat. I’m sore from the force you used."
"Sorry Baby, my desire for you got out of control."
"I wouldn’t like that every time but wow those orgasms were intense."
"So the beautiful star likes it rough?" Jon asked with a wolfish grin as he joined her on the floor and bit down on an exposed nipple pulling her skirt off and tearing the thin tank right off her body.
Jen moaned and thrust her other breast towards his mouth finding the pain/pleasure addictive.
"Oh God, I love that." She growled as he continued his rough assault on her nipples.
"You ain't seen nothing yet." Jon growled back as he nipped his way down her body, chewing
and sucking on the tender flesh of her inner thighs, his fingers pinching and pulling her nipples as she writhed underneath him. He moved up sucking her clit into his mouth. probing it with his tongue and nibbling on it, until he bit down hard and kept the sensitive nub between his teeth. The pressure was too great for Jeannette as her body spasmed and let loose a torrent of cum filling Jon's mouth and running down his chin to his chest and dripping back onto her body. Jon looked up at her through her heaving breasts, with the evidence of her arousal on his chin.
"That's just round one darling." he muttered huskily. He grabbed her legs throwing them over his shoulders and tilting her pelvis upwards as he drove his tongue inside her, his thumb and forefinger rolling and pinching her engorged bud.
Jeannette no longer cared where she was or if the entire world was watching as she got lost in the delicious savage ministrations. She was no prude, having seduced many a man over the years but none, not even Sam, had made her feel like Jon did. At the moment he was making her feel like a dirty little whore and she loved it.
He flipped her over, pressing her large breasts into the cold marble floor, sucking on her neck while kneading her firm buttocks, his finger teasing her hole. He lifted her up by the stomach and pushed her knees up so that her ass was in the air and entered her quickly.
Jeannette screamed at the invasion but a second later the pain gave way to indescribable pleasure as he thrust into her like a piston.
"God, you are so fucking tight Jen." Jon groaned as he increased the speed and force he was
Her tight anal muscles seemed to squeeze his cock and the friction was driving him insane and making it almost impossible to not fuck her like a piece of meat again.
"God Jen, I'm going to have to pull out or I might hurt you."
"NO! God no, Jon treat me like a whore and fuck me as hard as you can."
"You sure?"
"Fuck my ass." she roared as Jon slammed into her with brute force and showed no signs of stopping in the near future.
They both lay panting on the floor sweat covering their bodies, breathing was hard, talking impossible but Jon's fingers were still moving inside her. Jen was amazed she was even capable of cumming again but Jon fingered her until she had one last orgasm.
"Oh God Jon, once Chantal is asleep we are going to the stable and you are going to fuck me like that over and over."
"You like having your ass assaulted?"
"Yes, it makes me feel so dirty that it adds to the excitement for me. I don't like my pussy being fucked that hard. Earlier, was the hardest I've ever had my pussy fucked but it was gentle compared to how you fucked my ass. Best sex I've ever had."
Jon smiled, loving the control he had over her sexual pleasure. "So night sex, morning kisses and mid afternoon ass fuckings?"
"At the very least to earn you keep. Don't forget I'm feeding you too."
"I'll try to be even rougher then. You are incredible Jen, sex just makes you come alive. You look and sing like an angel but you are a dirty slut in the bedroom. You are my perfect woman."
Jen laughed, "I guess that makes you my Sex God, Master."
Jon chuckled, "You aren't submissive though, you were thrusting your ass into me with each
stroke. When you wrap that pretty little mouth around me, you make me see stars. You are a highly skilled sex master yourself."
"We are a perfect sexual match."
"Yes we are, no wonder it was so hard to leave you after just one kiss."
"Betty should be back any minute, grab your clothes I'll go find the mop."
Jon looked down at the marble floor and grinned, "Don't slip, damn we made a hell of a mess."
"Go to my room and get in the shower, I'll be there in a minute. Go, no one will see you on the stairs."
Jen quickly cleaned up the floor and sprayed air freshener to get the smell of sex out of the kitchen, grabbed her skirt and tossed her ruined tank into the rubbish bin. She walked right into the shower and kissed Jon passionately and they made love in the shower, washing and drying each other off.
"Guess I better put some knickers on this time." she chuckled.
"Yes otherwise you'll be punished and it may be in front of Chantal since I can't control myself
around you."
"Hmm, like these?" " she asked showing Jon a barely there sheer scrap of pink material.
"Oh God," Jon moaned as she slid the excuse for a thong up her legs and put on the matching push up demi bra that left more of her breasts out than covered. She went digging and found a very tight light pink t shirt with a low boat neck and wiggled her way into a pair of tight white short shorts.
She turned around slowly licking her lips. "Like what you see Jon?"
"What do you think?" Jon groaned looking down at his raging hard on.
"I think I best take care of that for you." she suggested dropping to her knees and sucking him into her mouth. Her tongue, lips and throat made love to him until he released his seed down her throat and she licked him clean.
Jon dropped to his knees and kissed her passionately when she was done. "Jeannette, where have you been all my life?" he asked softly.
"In primary school." she laughed. "You were a rock star before I debuted in Les Miz." she added.
"I'm not that much older than you."
"You are twelve years older than me Jon."
"Yeah well, age is a state of mind."
"I'm going to check on my daughter." She replied as she stood up and left Jon still on his knees naked in her room.
He quickly threw some clothes on, went to his room to get his phone and made a call.
"Rich, I need you help."
"Where the hell are you Bro?"
"In East Sussex with Jeannette. I may be in love Rich. I'm definitely in lust."
"I think you are confusing lust and love Bro. Is she that good?"
"Best fucking sex in my entire life Richie. She's dignified, beautiful, very proper, intelligent, has the voice of an angel and she is a total harlot in bed. She's not even at her sexual peak yet. I
don't want to leave her."
"You have to Jon."
"I know but I'm seriously thinking of how we can get out of this mini tour, that's how much I like her."
"Bring her with you and you can fuck her all you want."
"It's not that simple, she won't leave Chantal and all hell will break loose if anyone sees me with Chantal."
"Face it Jon, you are screwed then."
"There has to be a way, think of a way."
"Yeah don't be holding your breath." Richie chuckled.
"Fuck Sambora, you're no God damn help!"
"Love you too Johnny, see you on the sixth." Richie hung up the phone knowing Jon would be a prick when he got to Sarnia, a caged bear without his favourite toy.
After dinner, Jon asked if she wanted to hear a story. Chantal ran up to get a book and came back with the Complete Adventures of Curious George. He looked at the 400 plus page book and smiled.
"Geez, do you think this book is long enough?"
"The first seven books are in there. I have the new adventures book too."
"I’ll read you two of the stories then it’s time for bed."
She sat right next to him on the couch so she could see the pictures as he read her the two stories, trying his best to create different voices for different characters.
"Time for you and George to go to bed. I use to love getting Curious George books out of the library when I was your age. I liked Dr. Seuss a lot too."
"What was your favourite?"
"I think Horton Hears a Hoo was my favourite."
"Did you read Barbar?"
"No, I’ve heard of him though, he’s an elephant right?"
"Yeah, Mommy has an original printing of Barbar’s Father Christmas. We read it at Christmas time."
"So you can read?"
"Oh yeah, I’ve been reading since I was two and a half. Miss Mandy says I read at a grade 4 level."
"Maybe you can read me, a bedtime story tomorrow."
Chantal laughed, "Sure, I’ll pick something good."
Jon followed her up to her room and sat down on her bed.
"I see Winston is out."
"Yes, Mommy asked me if I’d like him to stay on my bed. Can you get the glass out of the bathroom across the hall and put some cold water in it for me?
"Sure, but don’t you have to brush your teeth?"
"No, I only brush them in the morning."
"Your teeth are your friends, you need to take care of them. You should brush them after every meal or at least at bedtime."
Nah, my plan is good, water please."
Chantal had put on her pyjamas and was sitting on the bench of her vanity. Jon put the water on the table beside her bed and turned down her covers.
"Oh, can we do that for Mommy? She is always so tired when she comes home from a party."
"Sure, lets go now."
Once they were back in her room, Chantal handed him her hair brush and pulled her hair out of its ponytail. "Could you brush my hair?"
Jon figured it was a part of her bedtime routine and brushed her golden hair until he noticed her eyes were closed.
"Hey, you’re falling asleep on me. Time to climb into bed."
Chantal sighed, she loved having her hair brushed but Jeannette rarely indulged her because she never wanted her mom to stop. She climbed in to bed and wrapped her arms around
Winston. Jon leaned over and left a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my sweet."
"Night Jon, thank you for my story."
"It was my pleasure, see you in the morning." Jon turned out her light and went downstairs with a book.
Jon heard a car drive up a little after midnight and closed his book He made it to the door just in time to open it for Jeannette. He hadn’t seen her leave because he was in the stable but the sight that greeted him sent his temperature soaring. She was wearing a deep rose dress that had a plunging front and back and fell to her ankles.
"You look amazing."
"Thank you, Jon you didn’t need to wait up for me."
"I wanted to make sure you got home safely and I used the time to get some reading done."
"Did Chantal give you a hard time?"
"No, she was great, I read her two stories, brushed her hair and tucked her in."
"She asked you to brush her hair? That little scamp."
"You don’t brush her hair?"
"Not often, she never wants you to stop and she get cranky when you do. How long did you brush it for?"
"About ten minutes I guess, I stopped because she looked like she was falling asleep."
"She probably was. I’m not tired yet, but I want to get out of this dress and these shoes. Care to meet me in my study in ten minutes?"
Fifteen minutes later he made his way into her study. She was sitting on the couch sipping a glass of red wine. She had changed into gray silk PJ’s. She took one look at Jon and giggled.
"So you sleep in jeans?"
"Jon, go change for bed. Do you want a night cap?"
"Wine’s fine for me."
"I’ve been drinking champagne all night or I’d have something harder myself, are you sure?"
"I really like wine but do you have scotch?"
"Will Glenfiddich do?"
"Oh yeah."
"So change already."
Jon came back a few minutes later with boxers and an old faded gray T shirt on. He accepted the tumbler of scotch and let the amber liquor slide down his throat.
"So how was the party?"
"Typical, but this time I foiled my host. It drives me nuts, anytime I’m invited to a party the host assumes I’ll provide free entertainment. No one asks me in advance if I’d sing, which I would actually appreciate. No, they all wait and ask me in front of everyone if I would sing. They make it so that you can’t really say no."
"I hate having to sing for my supper too."
"Tonight I said, sorry the throat is sore and I’m not singing. The party fizzled after that and I left."
"It sounds to me like you need to do that more often."
"Yeah, I don’t know why I go to so many parties, I don’t really enjoy them."
"I think that you are so use to not being home in the evening that you think you need to be out when you aren’t on the stage. That isn’t a knock about tucking Chantal in either."
"One of the reasons, I’m taking this break is that I miss tucking her in and having dinner with her."
"How long of a break are you taking?"
"I don’t know." She replied not ready to tell Jon it was going to be a permanent break.
"So tell me about your family. Where did you grow up? Did you always want to be on the stage?"
"I was born and bread in London. My Dad died when I was fifteen. I missed him so much that I tried out for a local theatre company’s production of Sound of Music. I wanted to do something to keep me busy. I got the role of Lizel and on opening night a producer was in the audience. He was dragged there to see the girl playing Maria but I stole the show. They were just about to start casting for Les Miz and Eponine was offered to me on the spot. Three months later, the workshop started and nine months later the show opened. I was sixteen on opening night and turned seventeen two months later."
"Sorry about your Dad, are you close to your Mom?"
"I talk to her every so often. She got tired of the rain and cold here and moved to Barbados in 1997. I hoped she’d want to be a grandma but she didn’t want to be hands on. She calls on Chantal’s birthday and always sends her a gift but she never wants to come here and I know she isn’t exactly thrilled when we spend a week with her every year."
"That’s too bad, my Mom loves her grand kids. Was she a stage Mom?"
"No, she’d come to opening nights and that was about it. I rarely saw her once Les Miz opened. I’d go to school, go straight to the theatre, come home to fall in to bed and get up for school the next morning. I’d hardly ever see her. On my eighteenth birthday, I used the trust fund money from my Dad and my earning to buy my townhouse and I moved out. I wanted to live in a house that suited my tastes. I’ve been an independent women for almost eighteen years."
"How old were you when we met and what were you doing in Fiji?"
"I was 29 and I had run away from the theatre two and a half months before. I had been performing for twelve years straight, going from one show to the next and I was exhausted. I started hating going to work every day and I knew I needed a break. I didn’t renew my contract and left my role as Evita and went straight to the airport. I boarded the next flight to Sydney and found my way to Fiji. I was in Fiji for almost two months, we met on my last night there. I went diving at the Great Barrier Reef for a week then went to visit a friend in Nice for a few weeks before finally going back to London. I was home for maybe three weeks when I started getting what turned out to be wicked morning sickness. I found out I was pregnant and didn’t work until Chantal was three months old."
"Did you ever consider not having Chantal?"
"No, I was about two months when I found out and there was no way I would terminate the pregnancy. I don’t believe in abortions. You bolted that night because you were married right?"
"Yes, you made me forget that my wife and 3 kids were back in the resort sleeping. I didn’t want to stop kissing you but I knew that if I didn’t leave, I’d be fucking you in the bar and that wasn’t really fair to my wife or you. I haven’t always been faithful to my wife but I hadn’t cheated on her in years and you were the first serious temptation to come along. I thought about you all that night and wondered how hot the sex would have been. That trip was after the Bounce Tour."
"You aren’t married anymore though are you? What happened?"
"No, we grew apart and when we were together it was like two strangers living under one roof. Dorth and I had always been best friends but the only thing we ever talked about anymore was the kids. We spent a lot of time having sex because we didn’t have to talk. She finally told me that she thought we should separate and about six months later she meet a divorced father and started dating him. We got divorced quietly and it was only a tiny blip on the news scene."
"Nothing like poor Richie and that tramp. Heather came to see me in New York and came
backstage. I liked her a lot she was very kind."
"Yes, Heather is a very good person. I still talk to her every so often."
Jeannette woke up naked in Jon’s arms. She thought about it for a few minutes and remembered what had happened. They were talking and drinking and she leaned over to kiss Jon. He kissed her back and quickly relieved her of her clothes and used his tongue to bring her to an orgasm before carrying her to bed. She remembered taking control in bed and wanting to draw sex out like their kissing but she wanted him inside her too much and gave in to her wanton needs. She turned slightly to watch him sleep for a few minutes and then made herself comfortable and went back to sleep.
Jon woke up an hour or so later and could feel her hair on his chest. He smiled to himself because he finally wasn’t waking up alone. He carefully pulled away from her and pulled the sheet off her body. He studied every inch of her body and committed it to memory before he started leaving tender kisses all over her. She thought she was dreaming until she felt his teeth rake over her nipple. She moaned and slowly opened her eyes. He looked up at her through the valley of her breasts and smiled softly.
"Morning Jen."
"Hey, that’s the first time you called me Jen."
"I think it’s safe to say we are friends now." He replied before returning his attention back to her
"Friends with benefits." She chuckled.
"I know the sensible thing, would be not having sex, but you and I loose our senses around each other."
"Jon, you need to earn your keep." She said with a sexy grin.
"So you would like my special turn down and wake up services?"
"Hell yeah."
Jon laughed, "You know it is rather fun watching and listening to you in the throws of passion, you turn me on."
"You tongue certainly turned me on last night but I miss your kisses."
"How about night sex and morning kisses?"
"Works for me."
"Is there any danger of Chantal walking in on us?"
"Not in the morning, she never wakes me up. She may wonder where you are though."
"Then I guess I better get off you and...."
"You owe me at least a half an hour of serious necking."
"You are such a slave driver." He chuckled before kissing her.
"Jon, don’t you miss your kids?" She asked half an hour later as he was rubbing both nipples between his fingers and sucking on her neck.
"I miss them, I miss then a lot."
"Then what are you doing in East Sussex in my bed?"
"I’m making you moan." Jon answered hoping to deflect this particular line of questioning.
"Yes you are, but you know that’s not what I mean."
"I’ll be seeing my kids in a week or so, right now I’ve got a beautiful woman naked and I’d like to
fuck her brains out again."
"Sorry, but I’m going to go check on my daughter and see if there is any chocolate milk left. We got a fresh delivery today and it better not be gone."
Jeannette kissed the tip of his nose and moved from underneath him. She pulled on a skirt and a tank top, her nipples still extended and pointing out against the thin material and padded downstairs. Jon screamed into the pillow, the knowledge that she had no underwear on was going to drive him nuts all day long.
He walked into the kitchen to find Jen holding an empty glass milk bottle.
"Four, you downed four of these young lady! No more chocolate milk for you today. Chantal you are cut off."
"Mummy, you know how much I love chocolate milk, I can’t help myself. I’m an addict."
"Yeah well cutting off your supply is steps 1-8, in the 12 step program. Go read."
"I’m sorry Miss Pierce, the little imp got to the bottles before I made it over here." Betty stated.
"I don’t blame you Betty. I have a funny feeling she set her alarm so she could meet the
milkman at the door. "
"I’ll make you breakfast, what would you like?"
"Don’t worry about it Betty, I’ll make us both something. You can go stock the pantry then you can have the rest of the day off."
"Thank you Miss, is there anything you’d like beside your soufflé cookies?"
"Some good quality dark chocolate, I’m in the mood to make a pain au chocolat."
"I’ll get you the best they have."
"Betty, do they have graham crackers and marshmallows?" Jon asked.
"Yes, would you like some?"
"Please with a bar of chocolate, just let me go get my wallet."
"Don’t worry about it Jon. Thanks Betty, that will be all."
"What do you want with marshmallows and graham crackers?"
"You’ve obviously never had a s’more."
"A s’more, never heard of it. What is it?"
"You’ll see, what time to you put Chantal to bed normally?"
"Around nine."
"Then you’ll find out around eight." Jon said as he walked up behind her and pulled her against him, kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her body.
"Joooon." she replied trying to fight her desire for him.
"Did you really think you could strut around all day without panties and not have to suffer the consequences?" he whispered huskily in her ears as he raised her skirt up to her waist and
caressed her cheeks with his hands.
"Jon, not here."
"Shush, I’m in charge now and right here, right now is the consequence." He pulled his zipper
down and entered her quickly thrusting hard as she melted in his arms, holding on to the counter for dear life. His need for her, made being gentle impossible as he rammed in to her over and over again until he exploded inside of her. As soon as he withdrew she slipped down to the ground.
"Bloody hell Jon, you fucked me like I was a piece of meat. I’m sore from the force you used."
"Sorry Baby, my desire for you got out of control."
"I wouldn’t like that every time but wow those orgasms were intense."
"So the beautiful star likes it rough?" Jon asked with a wolfish grin as he joined her on the floor and bit down on an exposed nipple pulling her skirt off and tearing the thin tank right off her body.
Jen moaned and thrust her other breast towards his mouth finding the pain/pleasure addictive.
"Oh God, I love that." She growled as he continued his rough assault on her nipples.
"You ain't seen nothing yet." Jon growled back as he nipped his way down her body, chewing
and sucking on the tender flesh of her inner thighs, his fingers pinching and pulling her nipples as she writhed underneath him. He moved up sucking her clit into his mouth. probing it with his tongue and nibbling on it, until he bit down hard and kept the sensitive nub between his teeth. The pressure was too great for Jeannette as her body spasmed and let loose a torrent of cum filling Jon's mouth and running down his chin to his chest and dripping back onto her body. Jon looked up at her through her heaving breasts, with the evidence of her arousal on his chin.
"That's just round one darling." he muttered huskily. He grabbed her legs throwing them over his shoulders and tilting her pelvis upwards as he drove his tongue inside her, his thumb and forefinger rolling and pinching her engorged bud.
Jeannette no longer cared where she was or if the entire world was watching as she got lost in the delicious savage ministrations. She was no prude, having seduced many a man over the years but none, not even Sam, had made her feel like Jon did. At the moment he was making her feel like a dirty little whore and she loved it.
He flipped her over, pressing her large breasts into the cold marble floor, sucking on her neck while kneading her firm buttocks, his finger teasing her hole. He lifted her up by the stomach and pushed her knees up so that her ass was in the air and entered her quickly.
Jeannette screamed at the invasion but a second later the pain gave way to indescribable pleasure as he thrust into her like a piston.
"God, you are so fucking tight Jen." Jon groaned as he increased the speed and force he was
Her tight anal muscles seemed to squeeze his cock and the friction was driving him insane and making it almost impossible to not fuck her like a piece of meat again.
"God Jen, I'm going to have to pull out or I might hurt you."
"NO! God no, Jon treat me like a whore and fuck me as hard as you can."
"You sure?"
"Fuck my ass." she roared as Jon slammed into her with brute force and showed no signs of stopping in the near future.
They both lay panting on the floor sweat covering their bodies, breathing was hard, talking impossible but Jon's fingers were still moving inside her. Jen was amazed she was even capable of cumming again but Jon fingered her until she had one last orgasm.
"Oh God Jon, once Chantal is asleep we are going to the stable and you are going to fuck me like that over and over."
"You like having your ass assaulted?"
"Yes, it makes me feel so dirty that it adds to the excitement for me. I don't like my pussy being fucked that hard. Earlier, was the hardest I've ever had my pussy fucked but it was gentle compared to how you fucked my ass. Best sex I've ever had."
Jon smiled, loving the control he had over her sexual pleasure. "So night sex, morning kisses and mid afternoon ass fuckings?"
"At the very least to earn you keep. Don't forget I'm feeding you too."
"I'll try to be even rougher then. You are incredible Jen, sex just makes you come alive. You look and sing like an angel but you are a dirty slut in the bedroom. You are my perfect woman."
Jen laughed, "I guess that makes you my Sex God, Master."
Jon chuckled, "You aren't submissive though, you were thrusting your ass into me with each
stroke. When you wrap that pretty little mouth around me, you make me see stars. You are a highly skilled sex master yourself."
"We are a perfect sexual match."
"Yes we are, no wonder it was so hard to leave you after just one kiss."
"Betty should be back any minute, grab your clothes I'll go find the mop."
Jon looked down at the marble floor and grinned, "Don't slip, damn we made a hell of a mess."
"Go to my room and get in the shower, I'll be there in a minute. Go, no one will see you on the stairs."
Jen quickly cleaned up the floor and sprayed air freshener to get the smell of sex out of the kitchen, grabbed her skirt and tossed her ruined tank into the rubbish bin. She walked right into the shower and kissed Jon passionately and they made love in the shower, washing and drying each other off.
"Guess I better put some knickers on this time." she chuckled.
"Yes otherwise you'll be punished and it may be in front of Chantal since I can't control myself
around you."
"Hmm, like these?" " she asked showing Jon a barely there sheer scrap of pink material.
"Oh God," Jon moaned as she slid the excuse for a thong up her legs and put on the matching push up demi bra that left more of her breasts out than covered. She went digging and found a very tight light pink t shirt with a low boat neck and wiggled her way into a pair of tight white short shorts.
She turned around slowly licking her lips. "Like what you see Jon?"
"What do you think?" Jon groaned looking down at his raging hard on.
"I think I best take care of that for you." she suggested dropping to her knees and sucking him into her mouth. Her tongue, lips and throat made love to him until he released his seed down her throat and she licked him clean.
Jon dropped to his knees and kissed her passionately when she was done. "Jeannette, where have you been all my life?" he asked softly.
"In primary school." she laughed. "You were a rock star before I debuted in Les Miz." she added.
"I'm not that much older than you."
"You are twelve years older than me Jon."
"Yeah well, age is a state of mind."
"I'm going to check on my daughter." She replied as she stood up and left Jon still on his knees naked in her room.
He quickly threw some clothes on, went to his room to get his phone and made a call.
"Rich, I need you help."
"Where the hell are you Bro?"
"In East Sussex with Jeannette. I may be in love Rich. I'm definitely in lust."
"I think you are confusing lust and love Bro. Is she that good?"
"Best fucking sex in my entire life Richie. She's dignified, beautiful, very proper, intelligent, has the voice of an angel and she is a total harlot in bed. She's not even at her sexual peak yet. I
don't want to leave her."
"You have to Jon."
"I know but I'm seriously thinking of how we can get out of this mini tour, that's how much I like her."
"Bring her with you and you can fuck her all you want."
"It's not that simple, she won't leave Chantal and all hell will break loose if anyone sees me with Chantal."
"Face it Jon, you are screwed then."
"There has to be a way, think of a way."
"Yeah don't be holding your breath." Richie chuckled.
"Fuck Sambora, you're no God damn help!"
"Love you too Johnny, see you on the sixth." Richie hung up the phone knowing Jon would be a prick when he got to Sarnia, a caged bear without his favourite toy.
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